The search

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9:47 a.m.
Location: Outside the Russian facility "The Motherland"
Year: 1944
Dempsey: "Man, I didn't know they had these perk machines in Russia. Its been long since I last drank a juggernog."
Nikolai: "I believe Takeo should be North from here. I can see there are zombies all over here."
Richtofen: "You're right Nikolai. The beacon on my device marks that he is north from here near a factory."
Dempsey: " What are you waiting for? Let's get moving."
(The crew go north and sounds of the undead can be heard from the distance.)
Nikolai: "The dead rise. Time for battle!"
Richtofen:"NEIN!!! TOO CLOSE. GO AWAY YOU SCHWEINHUND! (Richtofen stabs the zombie crawler that keeps trying to bite his leg)"Now I will hear the anguished cries! HOW WUNDERBAR!"
Dempsey: "Hey Richtofen, where is Nikolai?"
Richtofen: "I don't know. I though he was covering your back."
( a huge Russian tank appears and Nikolai is in it)
Richtofen: "Hallo Nikolai! I zank you for your support! Ve are almost close!"
(Nikolai crashes his tank into a building)
Nikolai: "Uh, I guess we are cornered by zombies."
Dempsey: "We are trapped!"
Richtofen: "No way out! Nikolai, use the monkey bombs!"
Nikolai: "Huh? Oh.. uhhh...fuck... I used them all while getting the tank.
(Takeo appears and slices the zombies with his katana and takes out the Wunderwaffe and shoots all the zombies with it)
Takeo: "The spirits of my ancestors are with me! I haves arrived. I am honored. The loyal solider of the emperor has arrived!"

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