Living the life

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As I was growing up no one ever sat me down and talk to me about being a lady. So I just went around and fucked anybody who I liked. I've had a couple relationships but I was never the faithful type. Some knew and some didn't, it's just a fear of giving my all and getting played. I guess I'm afraid of getting my heart broken. I just feel that if I'm cheating and they are cheating than it won't be too much of  hard brake up. There was times I had boyfriends that were completely faithful and I trusted them and I still cheated. It's like after a while you get tired of some of their habits, like being too clingy or talking too much or being too emotional. I moved out my mom house with my boyfriend we was together for almost a year. I met him at work, we were co workers but he was a delivery driver. He was tall , light skin , with a nice smile and a fun out going personality. He was one of the faithful ones. It's like when you get what you want you just take it for granted. But anyway I was really diggin him so I kinda put down on him, got his number , started texting after work and end up sliding to his house. Yea..... we end up fucking , I told him don't judge me and he told me don't judge him for putting that mouth to work. After that I was with him like every single day, I want what I want and I get it . He wasn't ready for a relationship but how much time I spent with him is like we were already together. All hell broke loose when one night I went Thur his phone and read his text messages. He was talking to this girl like she was his girl friend and I wasn't with the lying shit. Being petty Betty I wanted to let her know that if that's her man why he fucking me. I sent her a picture of us but not only one a couple. I delete everything after I was done. The next morning I woke up and went home while he was still sleeping . I didn't really sleep that night so when i got home I went to sleep. After I woke up I had missed calls missed text messages from him . He was going crazy! He was mad as fuck from what I have done. The girl who I texted was a famous Jamaican singer's daughter. She was hot, she had a nice body. He claims that the singer can send a hit out for him for playing with his daughter. He was trying to make me go with him to see her and tell her it was a mistake or whatever. He was talking a lot of crazy shit and I started to get scared. He told me he was on his way to my house and he's going to fuck me up. I immediately went outside to go move my car to make it seem like I was gone. He found it . Yes he found my fucking car dude! He sent me a picture of my car spray painted with the word BITCH on it in purple . He told me he would take my car apart if I don't come outside. So I went slowly walking up to him scared as fuck. He was with best friend and he was just standing there watching. Long story short he didn't hurt me but he did take my phone and left . He called my mom phone and told me to come to his house. I told him I had to pick my daughter up from daycare and he told me to bring her because we have business to handle . I went with my daughter , he'd come down already so basically we just talk it out and it made the relationship even better.

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