Chapter 12

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The bell rung indicating class was over and students had a total of five minutes to get whatever they needed. But since it was lunchtime for seniors, they could do whatever they wanted basically.

Ariana exited her science class, talking to the class clown , also known as Jeff. They were assigned to be partners for a miniature project. In class they had been stifling laughs at the fact that Mr. Wesler's wig had almost fell off. But only they had noticed.

Once exiting, they bursted into laughter. After a few more seconds of controlling themselves, they separated to their own ways. By now you could tell Ariana got along with anyone who was nice to her. Although sometimes people annoyed her, she still spoke to them.

Lunch had arrived and after getting her tray of (surprisingly good this time) cafeteria food. Setting it down, she plopped in on the four seater table. Only Perrie was there since Luke decided to go with his guy friends.

You see all three of them are best friends. But, Luke still had his guy bestfriends. If any of that made sense.

Perrie was ((secretly)) reading an imagine of the boys she adored on her phone. She bit her lip from crying at a sad part. "Perrie guess what." Ariana asked as she bit on a fry and sipped her sprite.

"What?" Perrie asked, slightly annoyed that her bestfriend intruded on her reading. She was just getting to the good part where she and her supposedly best friend Lucy got asked out.

"My brother has a girlfriend."

Perrie stopped reading and looked at Ariana with a smirk. "Wow, finally!"

Ariana shook her head. "No you don't understand. They have been dating for five months. Five months! Oh plus she's British and hot as he said. God! And I'm meeting her on the twelfth. And oh god!"

Perrie was shocked. "Whoa! Five months? And what's her name?" She grinned.

"Uh, Gemma." Ariana simply stated and angrily ate some of her grapes whilst thinking.

Perrie gaped slightly. 'No, Perrie you're just making stuff up. There's many British people who are named Gemma. It couldn't be the Gemma Styles.' Perrie thought. Giggling at her crazy mind, she shook it off and Continued reading the imagine.

Little did she know....

- - - -

On the bus, everyone was doing random things. Niall, Louis, and Zayn were playing a game of FIFA, while Liam and Harry were on their phones texting back family and friends.

Niall had still not gotten over the fact of his missing SnapBack hat. But he still hoped it would magically appear. But what he wanted really right now was the feel of a bed. 'Only a few more hours,' Niall reminded himself.

Soon they would be in Miami and book a few hotel rooms. All he could do right now was wait. There was not really much other option.

On the other hand, Makayla and Gemma squealed as they saw one of their favorite youtubers has uploaded a new video. But this time they giggled as to what was the topic.

Gemma scrolled and clicked the most recent video and they turned up the volume.

The girl spoke about one direction. Both Gemma and Makayla giggled when she went on how the boys were extremely good looking guys but that she wasn't a fan.

"Hey Niall, this girl loves your eyes." Makayla taunted her cousin and the boy scrunched his eyebrows leaving his controller and making his way towards the two girls. "Who?"

"Our favorite youtuber." Makayla said in a duh tone and flipped the computer so it faced all the boys. Niall gasped, causing the others to look at him.

"Holy shit, it's that girl. From the, the ice cream place!"

Harry went beside Niall. "Oh yeah! She's fit!" Which the rest agreed.

"Too bad she doesn't like you guys." Says Gemma and flips the computer back to both girls and scrolls as If she had not said anything bad.


The bus halted. The driver and paul entered the back with a sheepish look on his face. "The bus broke down.."

"What?" Louis exclaimed.

Paul sighed and ran a hand through his (somewhat) hair. "Don't worry. We have like and hour and a half until we get to Miami. You may go explore this place. It's pretty early so no teenage girls should be out of school so yeah. I'll call you all when we get a mechanic. Now shoo."

- - - -

Sorry it's so short. Wrote this at the last minute before bed. It's actually 12:31 and so it's Harry's BDAY. Just wanted to say happy birthday bby and ily and i hate yet love you for giving me chest pains. K.

oh and yeah this is a short fanfic so it will probably not exceed from 25 chapters. maybe , maybe not.

qotc: what's your fav 1D music video that they've done?

mine would be one way or another.

probs cuz like Niall was naked and Zayn was probs naked under that sheet and Liam was naked under his robe and Louis and Harry were naked under their clothes.

omg lol just kidding. but yeah OWOA. wby?


(I think my author notes are like 5 pages lmfao)

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