Chapter 20

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3RD POV BC YOLO (well you kind of actually don't only live once, you live every day, so...)

Ariana yawned as her alarm rang. Shutting it off she went to her bathroom and quickly showered. It was a few weeks before school ended; until she graduated. Not much was going on since she had already took her finals. Normal boring stuff went on, people jealous since they found out she had Niall Horan's famous SnapBack.

Retrieving her bag, she walked to school. Groaning when her phone dinged. It was an email. Stopping by the bus stop, she opened the new email and ?read it.


Dear Ms. Ariana:

In the past three weeks we have noticed that you have given Mr. Niall Horan his SnapBack. As you may know, Niall Horan had a twitcam with Mr. Harry Styles, saying about his contest.

Us knowing you're the one who gave Mr. Horan his SnapBack, Niall horan will fly out to your hometown and pick you up at your house for a full day! This will take place tomorrow morning at eight a.m.



The hell!? Ariana gaped at the email. She had not even noticed the bus stopping. It wasn't until the bus driver called out at her asking if she was getting on or not, that she zoomed back in to real life.

Getting in she sat at the very back ignoring people. Immediately she screenshot the pic and sent a text to Perrie with the screenshot saying 'what the hell?!'.

A few minutes later she arrived at school and went straight to find Perrie. She spotted Perrie talking to some guy with red hair. Ariana sauntered over there. Patiently waiting for their conversation to end; it ended soon. Perrie looked at Ariana with wide eyes. "I got the text."

"I know! Like what the hell, I do-"

"Language, Ariana." The principal passing by called out, making people look at her. Ariana puffed her cheeks and sighed. "I don't want to spend time with him."

"But, you have to!" Perrie argued back, and secretly she was jealous. Jealous that her bestfriend who isn't even a fan, gets to spend time with one of her idols.

"I know, duck." Ariana grumbled, using the word duck since she did not want to take any chances of the principal passing by again and scolding her.

Their conversation ended soon. Perrie headed to physical education where she didn't do much since it was nearing graduation. Ariana headed to biology.


Niall packed four of everything: briefs, boxers, skinnies, t-shirts, and any other type of clothing. He did not know how long he was staying in America. But the more clothes he had, the better. You never knew when you could get something spilled on you.

In the middle of packing, the doorbell rang. Niall sighed and went to the main entrance to open the door. When he opened it, there stood Harry and Gemma with suitcase. Niall furrowed his brows as to why they were here. "Why are you guys here?"

"We're coming with you!" Gemma chirped, a huge grin plastered on her face. Again, Niall stood confused. Harry sighed. He had never really explained to any of his mates about the girl with red hair being Gemma's boyfriends sister. Harry guessed Niall was the first to know.

"You know Ariana, the one who had your SnapBack?" Niall nodded. "Yeah, well you see, she's kind of Gemma's boyfriend's sister."

Niall was shocked. It was all so weird how it was one big circle and strings were attached. Not saying anything, Niall opened the door to let them in. Without a word, he went back to packing. Not forgetting to put his SnapBack on, not wanting any mishap to happen again.

Harry looked at Niall with concern. "You okay, Neil?"

The mispronunciation of his name made Niall laugh and grin. "Yeah, thanks, Harry. Just bit tired. Simon woke me up at bloody five in the morning."

"Don't worry bout this thing, Niall. Ariana's nice, like a sister kind of nice. It's kind of nice how she treats us like the normal people we truly are. It's just, she's just.. nice."


A/N GUYS should I keep updating short chapters like this every once in a while, or like kind of big chapters but takes a long time to update?

that's your qotc^^

anyways, please check out my Instagram. I post video edits on there. OH and who said Niall and Ariana were gonna date?
just kidding lmfao, be patient please. And please note I do ready EVERY SINGLE comments you comment. well, bye.guess what will happen next chapter...

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