Open Window

275 8 1

I'm parading in your eyes.
An open window never lies.
If you take me for granted ,
You'll leave empty handed.
I forget you...

Now I'm lost and I'm stuck. My memories are too sliced to pick up. I know I've forgotten everyone of them, the people surrounding me and the bed I'm lying. My head is only an empty box and I can't find any pieces of the past. I even don't know who I am and what I look like.

They say I'm scared with some history and eventually, my memories will come back. But I can feel it. The resistance in my brain is protecting me from the past. Every inch of my body screams not to find out anything from the past, from this world.

I studied myself quietly through the mirror. Red hair, green eyes and gloved hands. All the features of me are so bright and vivid but, I cannot see any signs of joy or happiness on my pale face. Through the flat mirror, I see nothing but a woman without a soul. I look terrible.

Then there's something flashing in my head. A redhaired girl with a dark curly hair boy. But I'm sure "I" was definitely happier than the one in the mirror now.Now I look like a mess in a wasteland of abandoned dolls.


A sudden headache crashes in my head, slamming into the inner parts of my brain. The last picture of the girl and the boy faded away, although it leaves me a trail that I can't help but can't forget the scene.

It's something I don't wish to remember. Isn't it?

Days pass by, I get to remember everyone in the house and Miss P. There's just a piece of my heart missing that I feel I'm not in completion right now. I'm sure the other peculiars are hiding something from me, something that can fill in my emptiness.


Olive! Stop daydreaming and get me the scissors!

A dark and unrealistic voice resembles in my head. It is familiar but... it is...weird. Some parts of me tend to embrace the voice which I believe it belongs to the dark-curly-haired boy.

And the remaining parts of me cried in misery. I failed to figure out the source of the voice again.
But it keeps overwhelming in my mind in every second.

Olive... I'm not the one you've been looking for.

Olive, you're good, stay here.

Surprisingly, it isn't painful to hear. I can't help but smiled.



No, something's wrong.

I'm sorry Olive...

What... tears?

I'm smiling, with tears rolling down to the corner of my month. There comes an ache in my heart. I panicked, wiping all of my tears away relentlessly. They're gone but I'm still rubbing my face as if there are blood that can never be cleaned.

The emptiness and fear start to run wide inside of me. Clean them, wipe them away. I feel like I gone crazy but indeed, the tears are invincible, the more I clear up, the more they come.

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