cinnamon rolls vs onions

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So like people have layers right?

When you first meet someone you see the top layer bit then as you get to know them the layers fall away and you see more of the real them.

Think of it like an onion. Maybe people are like onions.

Well I can sorta agree but also no.

If people were onions then it would imply that once a layer was removed it could not be replaced.

But obviously. Just because you show your true self to one person doesn't mean you're suddenly on show for the whole world right.

I think people are more like cinnamon rolls. Like you can unravel them but then you can roll them back up.

Actual no cinnamon rolls are a bad example, they would crumble up and break and stuff. (Well maybe it is accurate)

But how about snakes. They coil up.

People can coil and uncoil. Yeah.

People are snakes.


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