a standstill

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My mom loves this song and I love it too

I feel like everything around me is moving so fast but I'm just standing there not doing anything. Like one of those cliche movie scenes where someone is standing in the middle of the sidewalk in a busy city and everyone is just rushing around them and not caring, just constantly moving.

There's so many things I want to do but I feel so helpless and unable to do them. I'm isolated. I don't talk about my feelings to anyone but myself. And it sucks that i kinda want it like that. I don't want to talk to people but I ACTUALLY REALLY DO. I'm so useless in a conversation but I wish I wasnt. People are so interesting. They're all unique, they all have feelings. I want to know them and learn things about them and about myself through them. But I'm so separated from the world that I'm unable to, but I don't wanna leave this isolation either. Is a comfort, even if it's not good for me at all.

I feel comfortable in this box I built for myself and the idea of stepping out and letting people actually see me is terrifying.

It's getting to the point that I might never let myself step out.

I'm scared of dying alone but I don't think I'll ever put myself out there enough to not be alone.

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