"Encounter", Chapter Four

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"Encounter", Chapter Four

According to old records, the Strange Ruins of Bowdam have been here for hundreds of years. The old buildings and residences of Cocoon are usually called "historic", but things from Pulse are called "strange ruins".

It was probably brought here during the War of Revelations, as materials to repair the places that had been destroyed. It is well know that the fal'Cie would bring in materials from Pulse to maintain the structures of Cocoon. But the strange thing is, in all those hundreds of years it was never used as materials to repair the buildings, it was never used for construction, it was never returned to Pulse. It had just remained in Bowdam, waiting.

Whether there are plans for it, or whether it is being saved for something, no one knows. For the immortal fal'Cie several hundred years mean nothing. No human could understand the thoughts of the fal'Cie.

In any case, it was all a mystery. Perhaps those close to the government knew something more, but a regular citizen like Serah knew nothing.

"No matter how many times I see it, I still think it's strange...." Serah looked up at the towering ruins. Who could have built this?

Normal humans cannot live on Pulse. Frequent natural disasters and violent monsters running rampant make it impossible. She had heard that the only ones living there were practically barbarians. There is no way they could have built such a large complicated structure. She had heard, also, that on Pulse there is a fal'Cie just like there is on Cocoon. But unlike Cocoon's fal'Cie, who only visits blessings on the people there, the fal'Cie of Pulse brings destruction.

If that that's the case, then it couldn't have been the fal'Cie of Pulse. If it had been built by something as terrible as that, then it would have been dangerous to Cocoon, and Cocoon's fal'Cie would have destroyed it and used its materials.

But if it wasn't the fal'Cie of Pulse, and it wasn't the barbarians, then who had built it?

Many books and papers had been written on the subject. Everyone wanted to know. But no answers were found. It's an old story, that no one would find the answer is understandable.

Serah became interested in history because of mysteries like these. And because of that her grades in history became much higher. She sometimes thought that if she hadn't grown up around the Strange Ruins of Bowdam that she wouldn't have become as interested in history, but she didn't know for sure.

There was nothing like an unsolved mystery to exhilarate Serah. Even if there was no right answer, it was fun just imagining what it could be. Of course, if the mystery was solved that would make it even better.

"If only I could go inside."

But there were no entrances to the ruins. There was no information reported about what was inside. Whether there was open space just like any building or not was unknown. Serah touched the outside. It wasn't made of stone or metal. It was cool to the touch. No, it was probably some sort of metal, just not a kind that she saw everyday. Or at least not one used for buildings.

When it was made in Pulse, it probably felt very different. It has been worn down by the wind and rain of Cocoon for hundreds of years. Probably not only the texture had been changed, but the color and shape may have changed as well.

Serah looked up at the top of the ruins, and slowly walked around it, keeping her gaze at the top. When she did that, it looked as if the ruins were moving. When she was little this was something her sister had showed her. She heard that her father had shown her sister. Serah had been there when he had shown it to her, but she couldn't remember.

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