"Stranger", Chapter Three

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"Stranger", Chapter Three

"What... is all this?"

"Do you think... it might be a festival?"

Being surrounded by the people of Cocoon was no longer as surprising as it first was. When groups of people passed by, they didn't tense up as they first had. Many people had walked passed them on their way from the temple to where they were now, but none of them had tried to attack, and none of them had looked at Fang or Vanille oddly.

Walking along the beach, they had seen girls in similar clothing to their own swimming in the water. It was a relief to see them. Apparently the people around here had mistaken them for one of their own. It was easy then, to slip by them unnoticed.

There were so many people. Many more than they ever would have thought to see in one place. Especially in such a narrow, cramped space between buildings. Both Vanille and Fang stood in the crowd, their jaws hanging open as they stared at the sight.

"Let's go already." Fang said, shaking her head, and setting off. Vanille followed. It had been only the two of them standing in the middle of the path, while people rushed passed them on all sides.

Walking along the road, they came to the realization that all of these people were shopping. Upon closer inspection, they found that all the buildings set up on either side of the street were stores.

"Are all of these buildings shops?"

Just how many were there? More than Vanille had ever seen before. There were even several shops that specialized in clothing, each bursting with a variety of color and design. No wonder their clothing was not thought odd, with such an abundance of different styles.

There were many different shops. Vanille saw a shop that had accessories, another that had what looked like paper and pens, there was a furniture shop on that side of the street, and on the other there was even one that had what she thought were some sort of vehicles lined up outside.

Looking at the people, she saw a girl happily picking through racks of clothing. Over there, a small child who was pouting, maybe trying to get his parents to buy him something. A happy couple was leaving a jewelry shop. Every single one of them had a joyful look on their face.

"I feel a little dizzy..." Vanille was tired, even though she hadn't even walked very far. Trying to take everything in on both sides of the street had done her in.

"Hey, Fang..." she almost said, but stopped herself just in time. Fang looked grim. "Thieves..." she whispered.

Vanille grabbed onto Fang's hand before she could act. She understood what Fang was feeling, understood it better than anyone. Vanille felt the same way. But right now they were right in the middle of enemy territory, and they only carried small, concealed weapons with them.

"Fang, you can't..."

"I know. I know, but..." Her fists clenched as she tried to suppress her anger. "All of this was stolen from us. But still they..."

It was well known that Cocoon was a den of demons. The fal'Cie of Cocoon would come to Gran Pulse, to take as much material as they wanted. Once they even took a whole town. They would steal farmland just before harvest, and tear rare metals straight from the earth. That's why they had thought the people from Cocoon were their enemies.

But, after seeing that elderly couple yesterday, and all the people who passed by them, she had started to think it was odd. And today, seeing people shopping, doubts started to grow in her mind. Did these people truly wish to destroy Gran Pulse, and take everything from it?

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