"Treasure (Family)", Chapter Six

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"Treasure (Family)", Chapter Six

The "decision" Lieutenant Rosch had been talking about was a lock down on all of Bowdam and its residents. They came the day after the fireworks festival. PSICOM works fast. But what was really fast was how quick they set up the blockades around the Bowdam Ruins. Though I only heard about it later.

It seems that the investigation team that was sent in to the ruins never came back. Not a single one of them. After the team had sent a wireless transmission that told them of the fal'Cie, they lost their position. Instead of sending in a rescue team, PSICOM blocked off the ruins. Even though they could still be alive in there, somewhere.

Well, the soldiers might be able to except it all. But civilians are couldn't. Do you think they'd just accept it? No, of course not. I was the same. No explanations, just being told we couldn't leave the city. Who would just sit down and take it?

Especially on that day, when it wasn't only the residents of Bowdam. Tourists from all over Cocoon were there. On that day, after the fireworks festival, it was madness...

After the festival was over, we stayed the night in the security force garrison. Originally they were going to return to the medical center in Eden during the night, but when Dajh said "Are we going already?", they changed plans. They thought that perhaps he was feeling something from Pulse and wanted to stay.

The investigation staff that was testing Dajh had come with them to the festival, but they wouldn't be able to continue their tests at the garrison. Separating them into different rooms would have looked strange as well, so they were finally given permission to spend time together.

Nabaat had already asked that they continue monitoring Dajh. She said that any small thing that he might said could be an important clue. Sazh couldn't refuse. Well, even if he had refused, they would have still set up a hidden camera or put up voice recorders. They were going to be watched no matter what. Sazh knew that quite well enough. In any case, Dajh was happy. He jumped on the bed with the baby chocobo beside him, and ran around the room until night fell.

Sazh thought Dajh would oversleep the next day, but he woke up at the same time he always did, looking sleepy. He ate his breakfast quickly, and when he saw the baby chocobo playing around, all he wanted to do was play too, his weariness forgotten.

Dajh probably wanted to come to Bowdam to get away from all those tests. Right now had didn't seem to have any connection with Pulse, or things from Pulse. He wasn't at all like he was when he had first said he wanted to come here to see the fireworks.

"Daddy, I wanna watch TV!"

"What? Oh right, it's that time."

It was only a fifteen minute children's program, but Dajh always watched it before going to daycare. Dajh would watch it while Sazh was getting dressed, and once it was finished Dajh would turn off the TV and they'd head out the door together.

Sazh had thought that until Dajh grew too old to be watching children's shows they would continue this everyday ritual. Once he finished work he'd go to the daycare center to pick up Dajh, and on the way home they'd talk about what to have for dinner, stopping to pick up things at the store... What had been an everyday thing now seemed like a miracle. But that miracle was gone, it's light grown cold.

"Daddy, the TV is weird!" Dajh said unhappily. Sazh looked up, remembering where he was.

"All the channels are the same."

"That's... Bowdam Station."

It showed soldiers at Bowdam Station, and the station blocked off. The voice of a female newscaster came on over the video.

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