"Tomorrow (Future)", Chapter Two

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"Tomorrow (Future)", Chapter Two

It was on that day, two girl children entered the temple.

One already had the eyes of an adult, while the other still had the eyes of a child. Priests in clothes of red, black and purple led the girl with the eyes of an adult, while the girl with the eyes of a child followed after.

Before the endless stairs, the red priest said to the girl children:

"You must leave your polluted weapons behind. From here up on to the chamber of the fal'Cie, it is forbidden to take the filth of earth"

The girl children left their weapons at that place.

"You'll give me a better weapon once I'm a l'Cie, right?" The girl with the eyes of an adult spoke, using words that did not befit that place.

The three priests did not heed her words, simply ordering them to follow.

As they climbed the stairs, the each of the girls kept secret the feeling in each of their hearts. They had kept it secret for this day, until this day, forever.

They climbed the stairs and then would stop, lifting themselves in prayer, before continuing on up the steps. This they did ten and three times, before they reached the gate of beginnings. Then the black priest said to the girl children:

"This door is a door of trials. It will turn away those who hold evil in their hearts, and lead on those who hold the holy spirit."

The girl with the eyes of an adult knelt before the door, and prayed. The girl with the eyes of a child followed suit. The symbol on the door glowed red, and the door opened.

"Thou have been accepted by the gate of beginnings. Take your heart which contains the holy spirit and continue on to the chamber of the fal'Cie."

The three priests and the two girl children passed through the door, and left behind the hallway of ten and three.

"Cheer up!"


"It's not you who will be turned into a l'Cie, but me. There's no reason for you to be scared."


"Don't worry."

The girl with the eyes of an adult smiled, while the girl with the eyes of a child stared at her feet. The three priests said nothing.

They climbed the stairs and then would stop, lifting themselves in prayer, before continuing on up the steps. This they did ten and three times, before they reached the gate of the center. Then the purple priest said to the girl children:

"This door is a door of trials. It will turn away those who hold weakness in their hearts, and lead on those who hold strength."

The girl with the eyes of an adult knelt before the door, and prayed. The girl with the eyes of a child followed suit. The symbol on the door glowed red, and the door opened.

"Thou have been accepted by the gate of the center. Take your heart which contains strength and continue on to the chamber of the fal'Cie."

The three priests and the two girl children passed through the door, and left behind the hallway of ten and three.

"Damn these are some long stairs. We could have just taken an elevator or something yeah? This is overdoing it just a tad, don't you think?"

"You shouldn't stand stuff like that! The priests said this is supposed to be a test for you to become a l'Cie."

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