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Song of the chapter : National Anthem X Lana Del Rey


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"Mr.  Mellet!" The teacher raised his voice,  shouting at me as I turned my attention from the kids playing outside the window at the playground to the teacher in front of me.

"Yeah sir?" I asked casually,  my eyes serene and calm as I chewed at the back of my pencil.  It's something that I always do because somehow,  I find it tasty?  That's weird but so is the world but I ain't complaining about that,  am I?

"Why are you looking outside?  Is there something more interesting going on there that is more important than your class?" He asked,  pushing his glasses up on his nose. 

"Apparently there is something more interesting,  sir," I said as a matter of factly.  Not even half of the students were paying attention in the boring class but he always found a way to pick me up among the others. 

"Oh really and what is it exactly,  Troye Mellet? Is there some hot girl standing outside  that window?" The teacher asked with a small chuckle thinking that his question was funny when in reality,  it was not.

Before,  I could even speak up for myself,  I heard someone from the back of the classroom and I looked behind to see a guy called Ryan smirk at me as he said,  "Sir,  if you don't mind to know,  the dumb and ugly boy in front of you is a faggot.  He likes things up his ass."

"Shut up,  Ryan," I said to him scowling a as everyone else snickered at me and I just sank back down in my seat,  knowing that it would bee of no use if I said something or not. 

"Troye,  stop misbehaving with your classmates!" The teacher said,  giving me a warning look as I looked at him,  utterly confused.  Like seriously?

"Well,  he was the one who started it," I argued back,  waving my hands in the air.  I was just getting frustrated with this shit. 

"Troye,  only because you score well in tests and submit your projects on time and pass away with flying colours,  does not mean that you would act like a brat in the classroom," the teacher said to me as a few guys behind me chuckled softly.

"But I was not acting like a brat!" I said,  rolling my eyes and shutting my textbook with a thud. 

"Here take this," the teacher said,  smugly handing me a detention slip and walking away. 

"Why even," I muttered under my breath,  crumpling the detention slip in my palm (because why would I even serve detention for something I did not even do?) and gathered my pencil and my textbook directly walking out of the class.  The teacher didn't even bother,  he just snorted,  giving me a side glance as I saw Ryan give me a pity face,  mocking me and mouthing the words 'disgusting faggot' as he shook his head. 

And somehow that made me walk quicker out of the class,  slamming the door shut and just heading to the lockers.  This school was honestly so fucked up.

"Hey," A familiar voice called out and I turned around to find the familiar hazel pretty eyes and gentle smile welcoming me. 

But wait,  how did he even get there?  I swear he he has a degree from Hogwarts or something like that.  Like how can he emerge out of nowhere all of a sudden?  It's humanly impossible.  It's magic,  I am certain about it.

"Uhm,  hi," I cheerfully said.  For the first time in forever,  I was actually happy when I saw him and somehow it made my mind less heavier than before. 

"Were you searching for me?" He asked with a cheesy grin. 

Maybe,  I was. 

"No," I replied. 

"I know you are lying.  You look cute when you lie,  your nose turns tomato red," Jacob said with a giggle,  his long fingers reaching forward to touch my nose but I just swatted it away in the right time,  panic rising over my body and making me feel uneasy.  But,  I just noticed that he was a very good observer.

"No,  Jacob.  Dont.  Touch.  Me." I specified each word,  looking at him angrily or at least I tried to be angry but he just giggled anyway as he said,

"That's a cute face you are making. "

"It's an angry face,  excuse you,  you should be scared of me," I said,  hand on my chest while acting to be offensive. 

"Yeah,  God damn right," He chuckled again as I just stomped my foot. 

"Hey,  wait,  you hungry?" He asked,  all of a sudden.

"Why do you even ask?" I asked him,  ignoring the grumbling and pleading sounds from my stomach.  I had not eaten anything since last afternoon and I was actually very hungry.

"Well,  you know we could go somewhere and eat something and I am already starving," Jacob said patting his toned abdomen and looking at Troye with a side grin and his head tilted.

"But I don't have any money with me,  I am totally broke," I said,  sighing. 

"Oh don't worry about it,  I would pay for you, no worries," he said smiling.

"You sure?"

"Yeah,  of course."

"Why don't you just go alone?" I asked him while following him to the back of the school where the brick wall was broken for just the right amount of space to let a person pass through it.  I know about it because I have bunked school many times while escaping from there. 

"Because I can't," he replied as he slipped through the small hole,  squeezing through it and then offering me his hand.  I snorted,  refusing his hand as he shrugged and I easily went through the small hole because I was accustomed to him and secondly,  I was not as tall as him. 

I gave him a smug smile,  dusting my hands together as he just gave me a salute. 

"That must require some skill,  doesn't it, princesa?" He asked,  stretching his hands up in the air,  his shirt riding up a bit as I licked my lips,  looking at his toned and perfect v line.  Anyone could see that the boy with pretty hazel eyes was a looker. 

"No,  it's just practise which makes a man perfect,  baby," I said to him.

"And now let's get out of here before we get caught by the stupid security guards," I caught his warm and large hands in my tiny ones,  feeling queasy and just something unexplainable as his skin made contact with mine.  It was kind of funny,  actually.

"Woah and how do you know that too?" He asked,  tilting his head to the other side,  his hair falling on his forehead and a signature cocky smirk plastered across his pink lips which looked so inviting,  well what am I even thinking,  think Straight Troye... Hah,  I can't because I am gay,  get it? 

Oh my God,  why is this happening to me? 

I wanted to scream internally. 

"Something happened,  your eyes look distressed," he said as he lightly,  pushed the hair out of my face,  making sure not to touch my skin with his fingers and somehow that just made me smile. 

"No,  everything is alright," I said to him,  the smile carved on my lips melting not only heart but also my mind.

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hola hola

Hey people ilu x

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