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Song of the chapter : Home x One direction


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I was the one to wake up at first in the morning, watching Jacob breathing peacefully next to me.

His hands were wrapped around me, his fingers dipping into my bare sides and I just looked at his long and thick eyelashes, pure innocence emitting radiance and making my cheeks take up a pinkish shade as his breath hit them.

I admired him, the shimmering beams of the sun entering through the blinds of the window and falling on his gentle skin.

I traced my index finger on his jaw and placed a light kiss there, not being able to control the pure temptation within me.

That small impact made him flutter his eyelids open and I was met with the warm hazel eyes again as I let out a smile, tracing my finger over his bottom lip.

"Good morning angel," he said to me groggily as he let out an adorable yawn. He placed a kiss on my forehead as I closed my eyes with a small smile.

"Slept well?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did. You?" I asked him back.

"How could I not sleep well when the one who I love dearly was tucked underneath me?" Jacob spoke up and that just made me blush more.

"You are making me blush, stop," I said to him as I gave a gentle jab with my finger on his chest and he let out a giggle which of course, like every other cliché in the world, sounded musical to me.

Maybe that's always a compulsion when you are in love.

Was I really in love?

I know I think about this a lot and Jacob always makes me feel those fluttery rubbish they used to write about in books. I know, its eye roll worthy and if you ever read this, you are gonna snort out loud.

But somehow, he had shaped me up. He entered in my life, showing up in my chemistry class out of nowhere and turned it upside down.

I looked into his misty and dreamy hazel eyes again, feeling him purse his lips and I immediately knew that he was going to ask me something.

"Ask me whatever you want to ask," I said to him.

"How did you even know that I was going to ask you something, huh?" He asked me.

"I don't know. Maybe some telepathy or shit like that," I replied with another giggly smile to him and he just nodded mumbling that 'yeah, it would be the only possibility.'

"So ask away," I said again.

"You seem to be in deep thoughts. What is on your mind, love," He asked me.

You, I wanted to say but I just let out a smile and then asked him.

"Remember how you had asked me how home feels like just a week ago?" My voice was soft against his skin and I was tracing circular patterns on his chest.

"Yeah, I do remember. What about it love?" He asked while letting out a heavy breath.

"I think I know how home feels like now," I replied to him with a smile and he smiled right back at me, brightly.

"That's great, love. I am happy you did," he mumbled while kissing my ear lobe.

"Me too, Jacob. The thing is, my home is not a particular place or made up of bricks and cement," I informed him.

"Then what is it?" He asked me.

I looked in those hazel eyes, the eyes which had captured me and the eyes which brighten up whenever he cracks a silly pick up line on me. I took a brief pause, his face looked as if he was just waiting for my answer.

"My home is not an object or a place, Jakey. My home has beautiful, soft pair of hazel eyes and a beating heart along with the softest of the minds and he gives the best kisses and keeps me warm. And I love him, you know, I love him so so much," I said it aloud to him, feeling tears surface my eyes.

"Troye, I-" he tried to speak up but I cut him off as I replied to him,

"You are my home, Jacob. You feel like home. People say that our home is where the heart is and guess what, Jacob, you already have my heart and you feel like home to me. I love you, I really do," I completed and somehow saw hesitation flash through his eyes but before he could just say anything else,

I pressed my lips against his again, slowly moving together and he kissed back lazily. He did hesitate and I didn't know why though.

I did not want to let go of his lips but the deprecation of oxygen made us pull back as he looked at me with some type of guilty expression.

"Why does it feel like you are guilty, Jacob?" I asked him.

"This is not right, Troye. I am one of the flowers and I just can't, this is not for me , you will find someone else," he replied to me as he got up.

"Why are you saying this, Jacob. You know you love me and I love you too so why are you just stopping this?" I asked as I watched him slip on his shirt, indicating that he was going to leave.

Truth being said, I didn't want him to leave at all.

"You will understand that I am only doing this for your benefit. You can't fall in love with me, Troye," he said to me, almost breaking my heart. Just when I thought I would be able to have my own happy ending, my own fairy tale, Jacob had to go ahead and tell this to me.

"Can you at least tell me why I can't fall in love with you?" I asked, trying to stop my lower lip from quivering so much.

"Because I can't see you so hurt. I can't see you hurt anymore and I know for sure, that you are gonna get hurt if you are in love with me!" He said, his voice raising as I just covered my ears and flinched.

"I am already hurt so much. I think I can handle a bit more of hurt just to be able to hold you and kiss you and love you," I whispered right back to him.

He turned back to look at me and then wiped a single tear rolling down my cheek while placing a kiss and then he said,

"I am leaving now, take care of yourself, love."

And after that, he just left me in my own sadness.


Nobody is actually dying in this book, that's for sure but it's still gonna be equally painful, I could tell,,,,

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