chapter 2

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end of perrie's POV 

Graces POV 

as i put my black dress on with my heels that my mum bought me and the last thing that dad bought me which was a necklace saying forever chase your dreams, as hard as it might sound i am redy to go i open the door to find el and perrie with a confused look on there face. "whats wrong?" nothing you know are you ready i know that zayn and Louis are going to be there with there parents is niall going to be there i ask my self in my head? 

in the car you  could litterally hear a pin drop it was dead slient so i told perrie to turn on the radio and it came up with ' if your greving" then she switched stations " do you really want to live forever" and bam she turned it off and el hit her in the arm and mouthed somthing to her. " grace, did you invite your brother?" yes el i did but he isnt coming "why its his parents" i really dont want to talk about this i say. 

we get to the church and theres only me, perrie, el, a few of my neighbours and a few of our family friends then i see zayn who comes up and says grace im so sorry you dont deserve any of this no one does. thanks zayn i see louis hey boo , hey gracie moo were here to get you through be strong we love you and a tear runs down my cheek and i walk away to speak on there be half. 

"please take a seat" 

all i wanted was to be free, my parents wanted to see the world they wanted to provide a home and a futer for there kids, Adam and myself theres not much to say about them except that they were perfect for each other i look up and see some one walk down the red carpet to sit next to zayn and louis it was niall why would he be here for? i keep talking and they said to me when i was little if somthing happens sing and smile so my friends zayn and louis wrote this song and i feel in love with the lyrics " said i never leave her cause her arms fit in my tee shit tounge tied over three words" i felt tear drops and before i know it perri and el are hugging me and im still talking. 

my brother couldent be here today so its just me. mum and dad i miss you i wisper to el and pez (nickname for perrie) sit back down, i love you dont ever forget me. as i walk down a song comes on 

A drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend

If you don't love me pretend

A few more hours then it's time to go

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm

It's too late to cry

Too broken to move on

And still I can't let you be

Most nights I hardly sleep

Don't take what you don't need from me

It's just a drop in the ocean

A change in the weather

I was praying that you and me might end up together

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert

But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

Misplaced trust in old friends

Never counting regrets

By the grace of God I do not rest at all

And New England as the leaves change

The last excuse that I'll claim

I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl

 i cant do this i say, i run out and i turn back and zayn and louis are holding back pez and el and i see niall coming towards me i stop and fall to the floor and i feel someone touch me " grace its okay , ive got you" get off me you left me and you think that i will forgive you! "sshhh its okay" i look up and hes holding me in his arms the last thing i remeber is his head on top of mine 

why me? (Niall horn love story) ***draft***Where stories live. Discover now