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Character Description ;

Name : Enri Hinata

Age : 27

Occupation : Scientist (Physicist)

Study : Atomic Physics/Chemical Physics

Character : Kurisu Makise ; Steins Gate

"Sorry again, Ema." Enri Hinata said, talking to her younger sister through the mobile device in her hand. "Stay safe and stay close to Juli. He'll be there to protect you in my place. I'll be there by dinner time. Love you."

Pressing the red, upside down phone button on her smartphone's screen, the scarlet-haired 27 year-old shut off her phone before turning around towards the large, metal desk behind her that was littered with glass tubes filled with bright colored liquids and a large, complicated microscope.

Cracking her knuckles, Enri grabbed the cheap, yellow colored notepad in one hand with a perfectly sharpened #2 pencil in the other, ready to take notes on the bright fluids that filled her numerous test tubes and glass capsules.

It was close to 7 PM when the red-headed Hinata locked up her empty laboratory, her heeled boots clicking against the concrete sidewalk as she strolled into the parking lot, marching towards her sleek, black motorcycle.

Turning on the vehicle, she revved the engine before driving towards her new home, Sunrise Residence. The streets were void of any traffic as Enri made a right turn before parking into a small lot in front of an impressively sized apartment building.

Shutting off the darkly painted bike, Enri dismounted the motorcycle before making her way towards the apartment's entrance, fishing a bottle of hand sanitizer out and applying a small blob onto her palm, rubbing her hands together.

Once inside the apartment, the scarlet-haired physicist looked around the interior of the building, peering carefully at the small cubby holes filled with mail sent to the specified room occupant before heading towards the steel elevator in the middle of the room.

Pressing the button with a black [5] printed on it, Enri waited for the doors to open once more before making her way down the steps towards what seemed to be a living room that was connected to a dining room/kitchen.

Ema, who had been currently setting the table for dinner, spotted her sister and cheerfully ran towards her, her gray squirrel named Juli scampering after her.

The brothers who were in the apartment, sitting at the table, looked over at their dear teenage sister who was now conversing giddily with a considerably older woman with deep-red hair, blue-fading-to-violet eyes, a brown trench-coat with the shoulders hanging loosely around the area of her humorous, a white collared button-down shirt with a red-tie laying in the middle of her chest, black short-shorts, and translucent black tights with a matching pair of heeled boots.

"Onee-sama!" Ema exclaimed, hugging the woman tightly by her waist. A large, bright smile evident on her face as the red-head squeezed back before brushing a few chestnut strands of hair out of the teenager's face.

"What's for dinner?" Enri asked her younger sister, who was still enveloping her body with her thin arms. "I made lots since I didn't know what everyone preferred. Ukyo-san helped me cook!" Ema replied sweetly, leading the older Hinata towards the long table where most of the 13 brothers were seated at.

We Have Chemistry | Brothers Conflict [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें