Dead ending

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Your P.O.V

This guy really think I would be with him. This guy is mad man. "Hell no! FUCK YOU! You killed my friend and you're expecting me to be with you!" I was yelling at him. "Be careful of what you say being rude won't get us anywhere." He tried to reason with me. "NO! Leave me alone! I'll never marry you! I want back hom-!" I tried to yell at him but it was stopped by stinging pain in my throat. "I told you to calm down. Well we'll still be family. Right?" He said and everything went black....

Yan/n P.O.V

I was shopping for some groceries. I paid for them then walked in my car. on my way back I was thinking what I should make for dinner. What would darling want? I got home and walked inside. "I'm home!" I yelled. Darling was being quiet as always. I put groceries in fridge. After that I went to my room to say 'hi' to my sweetheart.


I walked over my rooms table. There was my sweetheart's head. So beautiful. "Darling you look wonderful today." I said while brushing her hair. I had put her torso on ours bed, under the covers. There was little blood on covers and table. But that's the price I have to pay. "Darling~♡ our neighbors are confiused by a Weird smell coming from this house. I'll take care of them~. Don't worry~♡" I walked over the bed and layed next to her torso. I'll never let you go.

Done this story is done.

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