The Aftermath....

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Christine's POV:
After we beat the living shit out of Yui, she is all beaten up with a lot of bruises, cuts, blood, and we also hang her up to the chandelier tanks to Laito's idea where the triplets are laughing at her misfortunes. While all of us are smirking at Laito's clever idea, I took many pictures of Yui sending to all social media such as Snapchat, and Skype smiling menacingly at Yui.

"Omg this is fucking gold!!!"

I cheered as I laughed at Yui's pathetic weak state, I heard my phone ringing when I picked up my phone, I flinched immediately where Chris is shouting into my fucking ear so loud.


She screamed as I sighed, I slowly put my phone back to my ear where I start to talk to her.

"...Chris calm down, just listen to me and listen good right now alright?"


She replied as I slowly took a deep breath and breath out slowly, I explained to her.

"Ok here's the reason why. One, I was attack by Yui pop tart shitface Komori. Second, I was too busy beating the living shit out of pop tart. And finally, I'm a vampire now."


She freaked out.

"Yeah I ain't lying, I just came back as a bloodsucking vampire."

I told her where she immediately freaked out shocked by the surprising news.

"Holy fuck are serious?! I am coming over there right now!"

"What wait I-"

She then hung up where I groaned and face palming at Chris's recklessness.

"Who was that Christy chan?"

Laito asked curiously as I turned to him with a dissatisfied look.

"That was my best friend and she's going to do something stupid to find me....."

"Which happens to be Chris I assume?"

Reiji asked politely as I nodded unfortunately.

"Yep, and this is not going to be great night for us."

"What do you mean by that?"

Kanato asked curiously tilting his head innocently.

"Trust me, you will be scarred for life once she's-"



We all turned around to see my best friend from Ashburn, Virginia waving cheerfully and happily at us.

"Hi Christine no time no see!"

She grinned happily as she winked and pulls out her peace sign, I stood there sweat dropping at the sight of Chris.

She grinned happily as she winked and pulls out her peace sign, I stood there sweat dropping at the sight of Chris

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Oh shit, this is going to be a looooonnng night for us.....

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