Bloody Wet Dreams.....

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Christine's POV:
Last night was a bit crazy, but it was a pretty good night for me because Chris is gushing over the photos and video from last night right now which I told her to delete that 😒.

Anyway besides from that, the best part about the mansion is when everybody in the house has changed ever since I moved in especially Chris. Shu is now more emotional and has become a huge sweetheart when he and I would always sing songs together in the music room and we also sleep together (and Chris took a pic of us sleeping together and DON'T you DARE think about anything dirty Christy_anime especially ALL OF YOU WHO ARE READING THIS 😡). Reiji became less strict with his brothers, but still remain dry towards them; however, he is now much more nicer than before especially when I'm around, I always see him blushing more often which I find it cute (and yes Chris also takes a pic of Reiji blushing). The triplets has changed as well, Ayato is now less arrogant even though he's still calls himself your truly, I don't even care anymore since he's been quite nice to me like Reiji and I'm glad that he and Chris are getting along each other since they both love mischief especially when Laito's involved. Speaking of Laito, Laito has become much of a gentleman where he starts to hit on me and we both love to poke fun at Yui's flat chest, but he's still a pervert as always. Kanato has also changed where he is less creepy and demanding ever since I moved in. Kanato has become much more nicer when he starts to bake me cookies and he even lets me touch his teddy! So cute! Subaru on the other hand has also changed where he is less grumpy and hostile towards his brothers as he is now much more happier when I'm around especially when he gave me a bunch of roses from the rose gardens.

The Mukamis on the other hand, have also changed ever since they moved in with us. Ruki is now more emotional than Shu is and he has gone pretty soft when I'm around which I find it adorable. Yuma is now less rude and rebellious where he is now much more nicer than before. Kou on the other hand, is still cheery and playful as always, but he's also much more nicer now and he started to sing to me which is so cute! Lastly Azusa is less creepy and stops cutting himself where he replaced cutting with hugging me which became a hobby for him now. It's pretty cute actually and btw Chris caught that on camera which I will deal with her later.

Speaking of Chris, she hasn't changed one bit, but ever since she moved in, she made the Sakamakis and the Mukamis much more happier than I did and I'm glad she moved in with me because I don't have to deal with pop tart's stupid ass shit.

And as for me, I'm starting to get used to living with Japan especially when I'm a vampire now, I can torture pop tart even more. Speaking of pop tart oh wait what am I saying, she's still a bitch as always where she's planning something annoying, but good thing Chris caught her red handed.

Oh and there's one problem that I'm not satisfied while living with the Sakamakis and Mukamis. I have a period ughhhh!!! Why?! Why does it have to happen today?!?

It all started when I got up from my bed where I was about to changed into my school until until I felt something wet into my panties. I then immediately cringed where I have a bad feeling...! No! No! No! Noooooo!!! This can't be happening today!!!

I quickly ran to the bathroom where I took off my panties to see blood all over my pink panties as I groaned.

"Ughhh great, I period today and this day is just going to be so GREAT!"

I spoke sarcastically until Chris came in to the bathroom.

"Hey Christine what's u-"

She greeted me cheerfully until she flinched at my dark aura.

"Bad. Timing. Chris!"

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