Trivia Time 2!!!

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Chris: Sup guys! Once again we are doing another trivia time with the Sakamakis and Mukamis! I am super pumped you know why? Cuz this trivia's going to get CRRAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! Speaking of which, here are the Sakamakis, Mukamis, and my bestie Christine!!!!!

Christine: *grins* Hi Chris!!!

Reiji: We're doing this again huh?

Shu: How annoying.....

Subaru: Are you kidding me?! We're doing another trivia shit again?!

Chris: *grins* Yup!

Ayato: whatever, I'm just glad to be back cuz oresama's going get more questions this time!

Chris: whatever you say oreosama. -_-


Kou: Yay!!!! We're doing it again! Hi everybody!!

Kanato: I guess this trivia time will be good this time ne teddy?

Laito: ~fufu~ Hopefully the questions will get interesting.~

Ruki: if you mean by interesting, you mean the opposite of interesting. 😑

Laito: oh come on Ruki kun, this trivia time might be get better than the last trivia time.

Yuma: It better not be lame like last time.

Azusa: I...don't...mind...doing..another..trivia....

Christine: come guys lighten up! This is going to be fun!

Chris: that's right Christine, so let's bring this trivia!

Christine and Kou: Yay!

All: whatever.

Alright first question goes to Christine: Why didn't you do all endings in the story?

Christine: Well you see...I haven't been updating my story for a long time now and I need to finished this book now, so I only do one ending because not only Subaru's my favorite character from Diabolik Lovers, but I already did all endings in the Gothic Sister and if all of you guys haven't seen Gothic Sister yet, go check it out. It's really good!


Christine: cuz he's awesome!

Subaru: *blushes really red*

Chris: You suck!

Christine: Oi don't judge my opinion!

Chris: I don't give two shits about it!

Kanato: and well your opinion stinks!

Christine: I'm just lazy ok?! Besides, I don't want end up having my vagina ripped out just like Ebony from Gothic Sister has gone through during pregnancy!

Chris: But it's worth it!

Christine: yeah but I decide not to do all endings because I can't stand the thought of walking around so painfully after ten pregnancies.....

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