Chapter Twelve

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"Hang in there, Paul." Assured Ringo, trying to gauge how bad the situation was. Luckily, like Paul had said, he wasn't hurt but he was firmly stuck and Ringo knew that even with George and John, all of them combined wouldn't be enough manpower to lift the enomous tree.

Speaking of the other two, Ringo glanced over at George who was lightly slapping John's face.

"C'mon, John, wake up." Muttered George. He had never been in a situation like this before so he didn't know what to do for someone who had been knocked out.

However, John at last opened his eyes and dizzily sat up. 

"What happened?" He mumbled. George had to strain to catch his words.

"You slipped and got knocked out." Stated George matter of factly. "Is yer head okay?"

John peered at his friend through bleary eyes. "It's okay." He replied.

George felt relief swell inside him. "He's okay." He called over to Ringo.

"Thank God." Said Paul who overheard. He was obviously in no position to help John so he was happy to know he wasn't hurt.

The thunder and lighting continued as the boys sat helplessly, wondering what would happen next.

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