Chapter fourteen

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"Oh God..." Paul groaned. His leg was killing him. 

John gave him a concerned glance, but he couldn't really see what was going on. 

"Don't worry Paul, well get help soon." Comforted George. He hated seeing his best mate like this. They all hated it. 

"I wonder when it will stop raining." Ringo mused. 

"Now would be a good time." Hissed Paul, though getting wet was the least of their worries. 

"Why aren't they here yet?" John asked himself impatiently. 

His only response was thunder. 

"Jane wait up!" Called Cynthia frantically. "We have to stay together!"

Cynthia and Jane were coming with the paramedics to show them the way. Since both their men were injured, it made sense that they would be the ones to volunteer to go. Pattie and Maureen wanted to come along, but the paramedics didn't want to have more people to look out for than necessary. 

Now Jane was almost running in her attempt to get to Paul. She was quickly becoming more hysterical and Cyn was doing her best to calm her down.

"What if something has happened to him, Cyn?" Panted Jane, out of breath. 

Cyn did her best to comfort her friend. "We're almost there." She encouraged. 

"Do you here that?" Asked Ringo hopefully. 

George tilted his head. "It sounds like..." 

"They're over here!" Shouted Cyn.

John's face broke out in a grin. "Oh thank God!"

"We're saved!" Exclaimed Ringo joyfully.

An expression of relief passed over Paul's face.

Just before he passed out again. 

The end.

My heartfelt​ apologies for not updating for so long. The truth is, I wasnt having much enthusiasm for writing but now I have renewed energy and I hope to make more fanfictions in the future. I hope you​ all have enjoyed this one! 

See you soon! 

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