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Nobody P.O.V

"So how are you four alive?" Tsunade asks after calming down from a few minutes ago.

"Orochimaru reanimated us in order to destroy the leaf, but it went wrong and we are fully back to life," Minato says and Tsunade nods. 

"Orochimaru is always trying to destroy the leaf, last time he tried he managed to kill Hiruzen," Tsunade says making the four go wide eyed. 

"Lord 3rd's dead?" Fugato asks surprised. 

"He was old so I'm not surprised, but being killed, I didn't even think he would die that way," Kushina says with a sorrowful look. 

"Hiruzen was actually the only reason Naruto is alive to this day," Shizune says. Minato and Kushina look at her questionably.

"What do you mean?" Minato asks getting a nod from Kushina. 

"The villagers treated him like a demon. They tortured him from the age of 3-8. From what we know Naruto keep this is all hidden until an ANBU found Naruto being beaten up. Naruto may have been dead last in the academy but it's obvious he held back so that the villagers wouldn't try to hurt him for being smart," Tsunade says looking out her window. 

"It's easy to tell that Naruto held back because he managed to become the Tanikage in 15 years, also the day he was banished he left in a wind shuunshin," Shizune says looking at Minato and Kushina who both looked proud and disappointed at the same time. 

There was a knock at the door and Minato, Kushina, Mikoto, and Fugato put their hood back up. 

"Come in," Tsunade says and Naruto, Itachi, Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura, and Kakashi walked in slightly nerves except for Naruto and Itachi. 

"Now can you six tell me why you were shouting across the village?" Tsunade asks and Naruto snorts. 

"You were shouting as well," Naruto says. 

"We were just excited for the soon to be married," Sakura says truthfully.

"Who are they?" Itachi asks pointing to our hooded friends. 

"Hoods off," Tsunade says and the four take their hoods off. Itachi, Sasuke, and Kakashi faint. Naruto, Hinata, and Sakura quickly go to their Husband, fiance, or boyfriend (Yes KakaSaku)

"Mom? Dad? How are you alive?" Naruto asks with Itachi's head in his lap and a hand on Itachi's cheek. 

"Let's just say a certain snake screwed up the reanimation jutsu," Minato says and Naruto smirks. 

"Wakey, wakey," Naruto says doing hand signs and then the water in Tsunade's cup turned into a mini dragon and splashed into Itachi's face making him bolt right up and smash heads with Naruto.

The two groaned while holding their heads.  

"How many times have I told you not to do that Naru," Itachi says looking at Naruto.

"I wouldn't do that if you hadn't fainted at the sight of you parents," Naruto says and Itachi whips his head around to his parents and quickly tackles them to the ground much to their surprise.

Sasuke wakes up as he hears something thump on the ground. He gets up with smashing heads with Hinata. He looks over at Itachi and then jumps on the pile making the Uchiha's chuckle or just lightly smile.

Hinata managed to get Sasuke off Itachi and his parents and Naruto got Itachi off Itachi and Sasuke's parents. Naruto went over to his parents and tackled them making the former Hokage and his wife laugh. 

"So wait if Naruto's the son of the yondaime Hokage, the council technically couldn't have banished him due to being a clan heir and the direct descendant of a previous Hokage," Sakura says. Tsunade sighs. 

"Hiruzen and few others knew that Naruto was his father's son because Minato has so many enemies he told those few not to say a word until Naruto became chuunin which he didn't, you can thank the council for that," Tsunade says.  

"So Naruto and Itachi how was your first night back in the village?" Tsunade asks not knowing what they did. The two grow nerves and Sasuke starts coughing madly. 

"It was very intimate," Itachi says avoiding everyones eye's. A dark aura surrounds the parents.

"And why is that?" Fugato asks.

"Sasuke decided we should have kids free night so he can get to know the kids and we might have gone a little too far," Naruto says also avoiding eye contact. 


"It's a little too late to be telling us now seeing as Itachi got me pregnant...... again," Naruto says and everyone in the room stops. Fugato claps a hand on Itachi's back.

"You really are resurrecting the Uchiha family this time we have two kekkai genkai," Fugato says getting glares from the other three.

"I may not like it but Fugato's right and plus this means we have 14+ grandchildren," Mikoto says and Kushina sighs.

"I guess, I just don't like the fact that this will be Naruto's how knows what time giving birth," Kushina says deflated.

"This will be the sixth time Mom," Naruto says. That's about when 14 kids ranging from 2 to 14 bursted into the room. 

"We couldn't keep them still," Says the only ninja of the group.

"It's alright, I want you to meet your grandparents," Itachi says and all the kids look at the parents of Naruto and Itachi.

"Names please," Mikoto jr says looking at the four.

"Um their names are Minato - my Dad, Kushina - my Mom, Fugato - your father's Dad, and Mikoto - your father's Mom," Naruto says scratching the back of his head. The ones they named after their parents stepped forward.

"I guess we'll put jr on the end of your names for now," Itachi says moving behind Naruto and pulling him into a hug. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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