6.5: Anna

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Chapter 6.5: Anna

(Dominic’s second note pasted on Anna’s Diary)

Imagine there’s no Heaven

It’s easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today


Dear Diary,

Hi”. It’s a short simple word but it’s how flirtation starts. Such a short simple word but it conveys hormones to react to another body by laws of attraction. I think that two letter word is a dangerous word taken advantage by most people. I like to call it “small but terrible” because that one little word could start something. That one innocent little word could ignite deeper feelings inside you. That one flimsy little word could change everything. And “hi” is one little word but it’s how love starts.

Today, I’m glad no one said “hi” to me. Not that I get a lot of Hi-s back then. I refuse to expect getting one along the hallways. Our hallways in the Art Department are not over crowded, mostly because our Art Director’s very strict and he implies proper discipline. Art should be in one peace. Yes, I spelled it correctly. At one with peace—if you want a translation.

But as I pass by the hallways, I found my eyes drifting away out of the glass window and into the opposite building where Dominic would be. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to look ahead and think of anything else. These stupid feelings are such a nuisance such as the person who placed them on me. He’s like a burglar who steals away what isn’t his and sneaks in whenever he wants. I’d like to call the cops to arrest him. But for what? I am becoming stupid.

I should not be thinking of him in the first place. But the ironic thing is, the more I try to block him out, the more my mind drifts back to him.

I stare at the blank canvas in front of me and I sigh helplessly. What am I going to do with myself? My head’s in terrible danger if I don’t shut him out now. My heart’s gonna be in a catastrophe by then and I’ll be in trouble if I don’t get to paint before time runs out. I wore my apron and I stocked bottles of oil paint on my table. Realizing that my “paint-mate” has the color red on his table, I decided to disturb him for a bit.

“Hi, I’m sorry to disturb you but can I just share that red bottle with you? I don’t want to go back to the bottle racks anymore.”

He shrugs at me but he doesn’t turn to look at me. He was wearing an odd face mask like we’re in a hospital. So, I said thank you almost to myself. As far as I’m concerned, the school doesn’t use toxic paint. Well, it’s not toxic unless you swallow it.

Mr. Jordan, our Historical Arts teacher, noticed this too and he called the attention of the others. Yes, there were others. I think there were five of them lined in front of me to the front.

Mr. Jordan tells them to take their masks off for the second time and when they didn’t Mr. Jordan turns to one closes to him. It’s the one painting the ancient Colossus of Rhodes. Mr. Jordan had meant to take off his mask but the painter steps back, takes it off himself and he turns to sing to me.

That’s when I realize he’s not from my class. Not in any of my class at all.

If I were a painter mixing my colors

How could I ever find the blue of your eyes

The careless demeanor capture the light of your smile

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