The dissaperance of Will Byers

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Song – should I stay or should I go by the Clash


NOVEMBER 6th 1983
The Wheeler house hold

Lee sat in the Wheeler's basement reading a Spiderman comic as the four boys sat around the small table. Lucas, Will and Dustin looked back and forth at each other as Mike read aloud from his book. "Something is coming, something hungry for blood"Mike said.

"A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness"Mike said looking around at each of the boys. "It is almost here"he said

Lee looked up from her comic and smiled, "what is it?"Will asked half excited half nervous. "What if it's the demigorgon"Dustin asked "we're so screwed if it's the demigorgon"he said anxiously.

Lucas turned to him and said "it's not the demigorgon"in an obvious tone. "An army of Troglodytes charges into the chamber" Mike said slamming a game piece on to the table. "Traglodytes?"Dustin asks in disbelief, Lucas gestured his hand up smiling and said "Told ya" then the three chuckled.

Lee looked back at her comic and continued to read, "Boom!" she heard mike say loudly as he pounded his hand on the table making everyone but him jump a little. "The demigorgon!"he said slamming a sliver piece on the table. The three boys groaned "we're in deep sh*t"Dustin said throwing his hands in the air.

"Will your action!"Mike said "I-I don't know"will said looking down nervously at the table. "Fireball him!"Lucas said "I would have to roll 13 or higher"Will said as if it were impossible.

"Cast a protection spell"Dustin said "Fireball him"Lucas said. Will looked between the two as they repeated themselves louder this time.

"The Demigorgon is tired of your silly human bickering"Mike said. After that they all talked at the same time loudly before Will shouted "Fire ball!"and threw the dice on the table causing them to roll off the table somewhere.

Lee put her comic in her back pack which was filled with a bag of crackers, her water bottle, her sketch book and pencils and finally her walkie talkie, flashlight, and her Walkman and headphones.

The boys immediately stood up and darted for the floor Mike looked under the table as Will searched under the stairs and Lucas under the coach. Mike's mom came in and he climbed out from under the table and crawled to the edge of the stairs.

"Mom! We're in the middle of a campaign"he said as Lee looked down at her watch. It was 8:15 "you mean the end"she pointed to her watch and continued "fifteen after."

Lee stood up and put her dark blue jacket over her purple shirt as Mike went upstairs and talked to his mom. She put her black converse back on and stood up wiping dog hair from Will's dog off her jeans that had gotten there when she picked Will up earlier.

"Does a seven count?"Lee heard Will ask, Lucas turned to him and asked "it was a seven?" Will nodded and Lucas asked "did Mike see it?" Will shook his head and Lucas said "then it doesn't count."

Will put his vest on and ran up stairs with Lucas, half way up Dustin stopped them and asked if they wanted the last slice of pizza that they had for dinner three hours ago. Lee smiled and walked up stairs as Will and Lucas said "No."

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