The Monster

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Song – You Can't hurry Love by the Supremes


Lee's POV

When I woke up I found a note from my uncle saying he was going out of town because he had a new lead on Hawkins Lab. I decided to go into town to get some groceries since our cabinets and fridge are pretty much empty.

It only took about ten minutes to get to the nearest store, however when I pulled up It looked like a hurricane had hit the store. Eleven, she must have come here when she got hungry. I walked up to the manager who was talking to a deputy, "the girl who did this what did she look like?"I ask.

"Hey you can't question my guy"the deputy said, "my uncle is the chief so uh yeah I can, in fact if you don't let me help I'll tell my uncle that you let a suspect go because of your pride"I said my voice full of confidence. I'm not the kind of girl who often talks like that, saying people should listen to me or do what I say because the chief is my uncle, but this was to help El.

The deputy took a step back and the man spoke "she was really dirty and her hair was shaved. And she had on this pink dress and blue jacket." I smiled "thank you"I said before walking back to my car and driving into town.

I was on my way to the wheelers when I saw Johnathan and Nancy outside of an ammo shop. I stopped, parked and walked over to them. Johnny smiled when he saw me and I returned the favor.

I noticed a box with a bear trap in it and looked at Johnny, "going monster hunting are we?"I said "uh yeah, we actually have a plan, if you want to help"Johnny said closing his trunk. "What's your plan?"I ask, then some guy from school drove by saying he couldn't wait for Nancy's movie or something.

"What the hell was that about?"Johnny asked and the three of us walked around the block to the movie theater where we saw 'Nancy the slut wheeler' written on the sign. I looked at Nancy confused and then at Johnny, "Steve ?"I whispered to him. He nodded and we followed Nancy to the ally next to the theater where we saw Tommy, Carol, Steve and some other girl laughing.

"Uh oh! She looks upset"Tommy said as Nancy angrily walked up to Steve. When she got up to him she slapped him earning surprised looks from every one. "What is wrong with you!?"Nancy asked Steve, "what's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can't believe I was actually worried about you"Steve answered scoffing afterwards.

"What are you talking about?"Nancy asked him, I looked over at Johnny confused and he shook his head telling me he didn't know either. "I wouldn't lie if I were you, you don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?"carol said smiling.

Johnny and I walked closer and Tommy smiled and looked at us "speak of the devil, Hi." Everyone then looked at Johnny and I looked at Steve and his gang even more confused. "You came by last night?"Nancy said turning back and looking at Steve.

"Ding ding ding, she gets a prize"Carol said in her normal annoying voice. "I glanced at Johnny then turned back to look at Steve. "Look I don't know what you saw, but it wasn't like that"Nancy said annoyed. "So what you just let him in your room to... study?"Steve asked not in disbelief.

"Or for another photo session?"Tommy said laughing afterwards. I look between Johnny and Steve very very confused. "We were just-"Nancy said before Steve interrupted her "you were just what? Finish that sentence, Finish the sentence"Steve said.

"Maybe she could finish her sentence if you stopped acting like a jackass and let her!"I said angry at the way he was acting, "come on let's just leave"Johnny said stepping forward.

"You know what Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed, I always took you for a queer, but I guess you're just a little screw up like your father"Steve said pushing Johnny as we walked away. My blood boiled as he pushed Johnny, "Oh yeah yeah yeah, that house is full of screw ups"Steve said.

"Johnny don't listen to him"I said after He stopped. "I mean your mom... I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother"Steve said. I looked at Steve, pure rage on my face "shut up!"I said turning at looking at Steve. "And lets not forget the crazy orphan who fell asleep and let the kid drown"Steve said looking at me. My face fell and tears filled my eyes, all my anger disappeared and was replaced with sadness.

Johnny looked over at me and not a second later he turned around and punched Steve in the face. I looked at him surprised, as Steve fell back he immediately got up and ran Johnny into his car. "Stop it"I said getting sick of seeing boys tackle and wrestle.

"Stop it!"Nancy and I yelled at them as they started punching each other. "Johnny stop! You'll hurt him!"I said worried, steve may be a jackass but beating him up is wrong.

"Cops! Cops!"Tommy yelled "Johnny Stop!"I yelled "go just go carol!"Tommy yelled and the two girls ran off. Tommy tried to stop Johnny who was continually punching Steves face. "Stop!"I yelled at Johnny who pushed Tommy away.

"Kids alright!"Callahan said as he and Powell ran over and tried to pull Johnny off Steve. Tommy helped them and Johnny accidentally elbowed Callahan in the face as they got him off Steve. "Ah my nose"Callahan said as Powell put hand cuffs on Johnny.

"Come on come on come on!"Tommy said getting Steve up and running, Callahan ran after them yelling "come here you little punks!" "I got this one!"Powell said referring to Johnny, I sighed in annoyance. My uncle is going to kill me I thought as Powell put Johnny in the police car.

Powell gestured to the inside of the car looking at Nancy and I as he held the door open. Nancy who looked like she was going to cry got in and I got in after her. We drove for a few minutes then picked Callahan up who then spoke over the radio.

"Hey chief you there?"Callahan said "yeah, go ahead"My uncle said "yeah a fight broke out here and-" Callahan said before Hop interrupted him "Cal I don't have time for this"Hop said annoyed. "It's Johnathan Byers and Marilee was involved"Callahan said. I hit my head on the back seat and sighed.

The three of us sat in the police station waiting for my uncle and Joyce to get here. I sighed as I looked at his eye "that was stupid what you did"I said, he winced as I lightly ran my thumb over the bruised side of his face. "but thank you, for sticking up for me"I said with a small smile which he returned.

"I'll go get you some ice"I said getting up and leaving him and Nancy. I walked over to Flo, "can I have some ice for his eye?"I asked her. She got up and opened the freezer and put some ice in a towel. "My uncle is going to kill me"I said putting my hand on my forehead and my other one across my chest supporting my elbow.

"What was your boyfriend fighting the Harrington boy for? He look at you funny?"Flo asked "Flo he's not my boyfriend we're just best friends"I said slightly disappointed as she handed me the ice filled towel.

"You might want to tell him that"She said "what?"I ask "only love makes you that crazy, and that damn stupid"she said before walking back to her desk. I smiled, I've loved Johnny since I first met him and love him more now since we've been best friends and the thought that he might like me made all my fear, guilt, anger and sadness just disappear for a few minutes.

I walked back over to Johnny and Nancy got up to go to the bathroom. I sat down next to him and put the ice on the side of his face. "Thanks"he said "of course"I said smiling, "are you okay?"he asked looking at me. "Yeah, I am" I said as we smiled at each other.

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