Continuation of the continuation

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I guess this buildup wasn't necessary since it's so anticlimactic but i might just write some extra crazy stories so your suffering wasn't for nothing, so there's going to be three crazy stories that I haven't told you guys, one on this chapter, and another two chapters for the next two days so you guys get to hear your authors extra rant for the cliffhanger

Ok so continuation of the continuation

This time later in the day in the car with my mom (no jaxabc not a blossoming love[just jax in denial readers]) , and it was an awesome sunset since it was 5pm, and suddenly my mom turns to me and says "your gay aren't you" and I couldnt back out because I was smiling like an idiot when she said that, and I felt so exposed, and she just nonchalantly says well your father routinely checks your phone, and all my secret is is on wattpad, and so I just paled several degrees and she just to rub it in says a fourteen year old isn't allowed to have secrets. And I felt violated for that. Secrets are meant as a cloak to hide from the ones who do you harm

--------Story 1 promise-----------------

Ok so theme parks. Fun right? Not for
Me.... I'm terrified of rollercoasters. And this is the story of the first one I've ever gone on, and it's the only one I've ever gone on actually to avoid the fate of getting scared like that again....

Ok so the first one I've been on was actually the oldest and scariest one in the park, it was built on a mountain. And I rid it at night......  But me and my brother were waiting in like for about an hour and I was getting more and more nervous and as soon as we got to the ride I was panicking. And I was like NOPE IM OUT and tried to run but my brother grabbed me and pulled me into the ride, and the pre shock was setting in when I NOTICED THERE WERE HANDLES ON THE FLOOR. That's when they decided to start the ride with me in the front. -.- . And it was slowly going up, and up until it was on the top of the mountain, that was probably the least scary moment with the whole view of the park UNTIL WE WENT AT A 90 DEGREE ANGLE AND IT SHOT DOWN THE TRACK. THEN IT WHIRLED AROUND GOING UP AND DOWN UP AND DOWN UP AND DOWN ALL THE WAY AROUND WHILE I WAS BEING SHAKEN LIKE A DOG UNTIL WE FINALLY STOPPED.. Then I was 5 shades paler until I saw my photo and cringed... I had my arms crossed with one eye open screaming like hell was on my heels....


The next story will be about the Washington zoo with a panda gang

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