tagged Lmao again

14 1 9

Tagged by SniffDonuts . But I'm not doing your questions and I'm being a rebel because I'm wearing swag glasses and low key always having an existential crisis at the moment. So let's go on with the poke-at-vendettas-very-soul-quiz

And now.

1. If you could change anything about you what would you change?

Easy. Flashbacks I have of cringey moments in my life.

2. If you had to escape with 3 people out of somewhere where would you go and who with?

JUST ME MYSELF AND I. And I would escape to underground with wifi XD

3. If you could do any crime with no consequences, what would it be?

Shoot up the school. Then kill myself. Or traffic a couple of the people I hate to become sex slaves.

4. If you could be any animal besides what people think you would be (please comment down below what you think ide be) what would you be?

Ide be a hyena or a tiger. Because hyenas be lit. And tigers are huge colorful cats.

5. If you could have any power, what would it be?

It would be either to give powers or to create worlds. Also a third one that I'm not sharing.


Have fun. Donut didn't say anything about tag backs.

Also no tag backs.

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