Racing Hearts

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After the whole ordeal with an Ultra Wormhole appearing at the Aether Foundation, Sun and Hau were heading on their way towards a new island on a boat accompanied by several other passengers.

"Ho..." Sun glanced over at Hau as he outstretched his limbs in his seat, arching his back. "My heart's still kinda racing, you know?"

"The Ultra Wormhole is real...And Ultra Beasts are real, too! The world is just way too big..." He exclaimed in astonishment, raising his clenched fists. A woman sitting in front of the two peered over her shoulder with a look of surprise at his sudden outburst. She smiled before turning away.

Sun could only return a smile and turned to look out through the boat window as he noticed they were nearing shore.

"I bet we'll discover even more new things on the next island, too! We're gonna need all the energy we can get. Time to dig in!" Hau leaned over to withdraw a malasada he had stashed in his orange backpack. Holding in it between both of his hands, he gobbled down on it and pulled back with a content smile.

"You want a malasada?" Hau offered.

"No, thank you. You should finish it for yourself. You seem like you're enjoying it already." Sun gratefully declined. Without a response, Hau continued to gobble it down.

"Ahhh! So gooooooood! Shoot, I already ate the whole thing!" Hau commented in a disappointed tone.

Sun chuckled and gave Hau a warm smile. Hau stared at Sun for a moment before slowly sliding his hand over Sun's which was resting on the arm of his chair. Sun glanced at the position of their hands, burning up to the point where he could feel steam coming out of his ears. He looked up at Hau who had the equally flustered face and was gazing intently into his eyes.

This always smiling and usual cheerful boy had a serious look on his face which spooked Sun. His sappy olive green eyes made Sun's insides feel like warm goo.

"Thank you, Sun, for what you did back there. You're really awesome, ya know. You're so confident and strong! You're so cool! That's why I really like you." Hau cracked a smile.

Sun bit his lower lip nervously as he noticed how Hau had leaned over, closer to his face. "N-no problem, Hau. Why wouldn't I have done that?" He fiddled with his Z-Ring, choosing his words carefully. "You're really cool yourself, too."

Hau's eyes glittered. "Really? The super cool Sun thinks I'm cool, too?!"

Sun nodded and smiled, a growing warm feeling in his chest. "You have no idea."

He placed his hand over his chest as Hau turned away. His heart was pounding rapidly and he could feel its beats against his hand. He closed his eyes, listening to the melody of life ringing in his ears.




This boy had no idea how amazing he truly was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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