Oh Styx

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(A/n this story is all in Percy's Pov except for some points.)

So, at this point I already have met the avengers, and am pretty much one myself. But now I'm gonna get into the story and stop breaking the fourth wall.

With Annebeth out of town, (yes I'm aware I might be spelling her name wrong, please tell me how to spell it.) there was nothing to do but train. She said that she might be gone for a few years (something about a war?), so she decided to break up with me. We're still friends though, so that's good. I was heading down to the training area with Clarisse to train, when all of the sudden I hear pounding footsteps coming from behind. I turn around only to be tackled by 3 things: a small harpy, a cyclops, and a 5 ton dog. And the only thing I could think while going down was: "please don't take a picture Clarisse". "Tyson! When did you get back bro?!?" I yelled over Mrs. O'leary's barks. (again, probably spelled wrong lel) "Boss just let me have a break! He needed to help out with some war!" Huh? People from the greek world going off to help in a war? I wonder who's fighting who? "Ok! So I'm going to go train with Clarisse, why don't you go find Jason. I think he was needing another pair of strong arms!" He hugged me and ran off to find Jason.

After training

"Damn, Jackson! You still got it in you! I mean, after 5 prophecies, endless near death experiences, and 2 wars, you'd think you would've lost your touch!" She said sarcastically. We started walking off when we heard a random explosion, then an "OH STYX!" From a familiar voice. We ran over there to see Leo being shot at by some superhuman with a red cape. "Leo! Who is that! And did you manage to piss off someone else already!?!" Clarisse yelled. She grabbed her spear as I uncapped riptide, and as we charged into battle we noticed Tyson throwing shields at him. Cap would be so proud. Then I looked back at the Superhuman. "Hey you! Me I'm-gonna-shoot-laser-beams-at-Leo! Yeah you! Didn't your mom ever tell you not to bully demigods!?!" The superhuman turned to look at me. "I am no mere human. I am Zod! The bane of Superman!" He yelled at us. "Listen man. I don't know what Leo did to piss you off, but don't kill him please?" I asked of him. Zod's eyes started to glow red. I pushed Clarisse to the side and pulled out my shield from my watch that Tyson made a few years back. The beams from his eyes started to melt through my shield, hitting my shoulder. "GYYYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed. Then there was silence. My vision sent blurry but I seemed to recall Clarisse and Leo carrying me to the infirmary, then someone crying, hearing someone say that Leo ran away, then I saw Will and Nico helping with my shoulder (no they aren't dating. Sorry solangelo shippers). Then I passed out.

2.5 weeks later

I was finally able to use my left arm again. We still haven't found Leo, Piper and Jason have gone missing on a search for him, and Clarisse hasn't talked to me since the attack. I tried talking to her yesterday, but I couldn't find her. Normally I'd go to Annabeth for help, but she hasn't returned. Good thing is that Nico and Reyna finally got together. Will went off on a mission with Clint and Steve, Natasha came by yesterday to check on me, and she ended up up trying to talk to Clarisse, but even she couldn't find her. But she did find blood in her cabin, which could mean anything with her being a daughter of war. Old beefhead himself made an appearance yesterday in the woods apparently. We let the older campers toy around with the minotaur before Chiron found out and shot it.

3 days later

Leo got back today. I've decided I'm going to go looking for Clarisse today. I figured that now Leo is back, maybe Clarisse will show up. So I snuck up to her cabin and was about to open the door when I heard a thud from inside. I quickly opened the door to find Clarisse laying in a pool of her own blood. I picked her up, trying to carry her towards the house when I noticed something. There were no weapons laying around except for her spear witch was completely dry. Then I saw something else. A razor. And I looked at her and saw tears on her face. I pulled up the sleeve of her jacket to reveal cuts on her wrists. Some were recent. Like 2 minute old recent. Others were 2 weeks old. I dragged her down to the big house with tears in my eyes. Chiron came out and brought her inside. "What happened!?!" He inquired. I pulled up her sleeve to show her. "Those are 2 -3 weeks old. Ever since I got lasered by Zod. I think she's been cutting herself because she thinks she was responsible for the incident." I explained as we helped clean her arms up and bandage them. "That's why she's been avoiding me!" I yelled. After we had finished bandaging her arms. I fell to the ground and started bawling. This whole thing was my fault.

1 week later
(a/n so I know I said this would be mainly from Percy's Pov, but this will be one of the exceptions.)
Clarisse pov

I remember seeing blackness. That's what dying feels like? Huh, I thought it would be different. I can still feel everything, I just can't see anything. Then I felt nothing. Then I could feel and see everything. I wasn't dead! But why?! No one cares about me! I almost got Percy killed! Then I looked up from the infirmary bed to see a sleep deprived, teary eyed Percy sitting next to my bed. Babbling about how it was all his fault! It wasn't his fault! It was my fault! How could he say that!?! "Percy?" I mumbled. His head jerked up looking at me, amazed at the fact I was awake so soon. "Oh my God your awake! I am so sorry! I didn't realize how much grief I had caused you! You need to tell someone! I thought you died!" He ranted. He hugged me a little too tight for my personal comfort but decided not to complain, seeing as how I tried to kill myself because I thought he hated me. I hugged him back and started bawling. "I thought you hated me!?!" I mumbled to him. "No. No, no. It would take a LOT to make me hate you." He responded.

And then he kissed me.

A/n can we get percisse (Percy x Clarisse) started up?!? Help make it a thing please!!

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