And now we're here...

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A/n the characters were 19 in the battle last chapter

3 years later
No sign of justice league since death of superman

Clarisse pov

Blackness. Again. Why does this feel so familiar? Because I've experienced it before. Its like a state of limbo between life and death. Your soul is in the overworld while your mind is already in the underworld. Both world's are fighting for control. But this time, I have I reason to fight. I have Percy. And that will NEVER change. Then the blackness faded to reveal a dungeon. Why do I feel different? I feel like I'm older, but how could that be? I've only been in the limbo for a day, right? Whatever. I need to get out of here. I wall up to the bars of the cell and see a figure with wings. Thanatos. "Why am I here?!? WHERE IS PERCY!!!" I started screaming. He chuckled at my rage. "Come with me, and bring your spear." He said, pointing at the corner. Then he opened my cell for me to follow. "To be free, you must fight your death, or in this case, Annabeth. The one who 'killed' you." he said with a twisted smile. "Please, I've beaten her many times. She only got me because I wasn't expecting that bitch to be jealous of me." I remarked. "Don't get so cocky. You've been dead for three year, and have gotten no training in that time. She had been training non-stop since she ran from camp to avoid prosecution. Good luck, because her she comes now!" he dissipated into air. Then a body slammed into me and knocked me over. "What the hell!" I shouted. "What the hades! Three years of running and I'm still running into people!" I heard someone say. I turned to find the one and only... Annabitch! "What the fuck did you think you were doing, stabbing me in the gut!?!" I yelled. "That wasn't me! I swear! I swear it on the river styx!" she whimpered. "Percy didn't believe me and chased me out of camp. I was being controlled by an ediolon! It made me stab you and I'm so sorry!" she ranted, begging for forgiveness. "Well, well, well. This certainly changes things." I heard Thanatos say from above. "Hey! Now that this thing is over, can you teleport Annabeth back to camp, and me into my body please?!?" I yelled upwards to him. The I saw a flash and I blacked out along with Annabeth.

Percy Pov

"Chiron! What if she never wakes up!?! I can't lose her again!" I blabbed. "She will wake up my boy, of she were dead, Nico would've felt it." he comforted. Then I heard a clang from Clarisse's room. We rushed up there to find Clarisse knelt on the ground, and Annabitch in tears, with Clarisse comforting her?!? "What are you doing? She might kill you!" I yelled pulling her away from Annabitch. "It's okay Percy! She was being controlled by an ediolon. She swore it on the Styx. There's no workaround for that!" She pleaded. I let her go and she walked over to Annabeth. "In just so happy your alive!" I said. "It's been 3 years!" she turned around and kissed me. The 1 thing I've been missing for 3 years, her.

2 weeks later.

Clarisse pov

2 days ago Percy proposed! I obviously said yes. I feel like I'm turning into a girly girl again. Maybe I need to hang around Thalia for a bit? Anyways, so I was getting out of bed to get ready for the day and as I get up I feel suddenly nauseous. I run to the toilet, lean over, and hurl. Percy jumped out of bed and ran over to me. "Hey, are you alright?" He inquired. I shook my head no. "Hey, I'm gonna schedule a doctors appointment with Apollo, is that okay?" he asked. I nodded my head yes and threw up again. He brought Annabeth over to watch over while he had Chiron help schedule the appointment. He ran back with 3 blue pearls. "I used these 10 years ago on my first quest. We step on them, and imagine where we want to go. We are going to go to Apollo's palace on Olympus." he said to us. We 'pearl traveled' to Apollo's palace and he brought me into the back room.

1.3 hours later

Percy Pov.

Clarisse still hasn't come out yet... I wonder what's going on? Let me ask piper. "Hey, do you have any idea what's up with her?" I inquired. "Have you two been sleeping together recently?" She asked me. I said yeah. "Then I think I might know..." she said. I wonder what that means??? Then Clarisse came out with Apollo with a grin on her face. Piper was grinning too. "Percy... This might be a little scary-cool-awesome-weird, buuuuuuut... I'm kind of.... Pregnant." she rambled. "Oh my gods that's awesome! Wait! I have no idea how to raise a baby!" I started to worry. Then piper 'piped' up "I can help with that! With my mom being the goddess of love, she has to know a but about loving and caring for a child! So naturally, I have some of those skills!" Clarisse nodded. "So You and Annabeth will be the God mothers." we both said at the same time. Piper nodded. Then we asked Apollo to teleport us back down to camp. Then we went off to tell Annabeth and the rest of the seven. Leo made a joke saying that if anything happens to the God mothers, Nico can be the Satan father. He got the flat side of riptide to the back of the head for that one. We all went off to do our own things, me and Clarisse went back to our personal cabin to get some rest.

1 month later

Clarisse pov

So, with demigod pregnancies, Its 4 months shorter. So today we figured out what gender the baby was. Its a girl, and we are naming her Ruby La Rue Jackson. Reyna and Nico apparently got married a year ago and are wanting to have a kid next year. By then, I should have some parenting advice.

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