Let's Piss The Justice League Off!

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Knock knock! Yeah it's me again! You know... The Author... Well that war that Annabeth "postponed"... Nope...
Also, screw the Pov rule I am just going to randomly change Pov whenever needed

Percy Pov
3 days after ctf, movie night

"I solemnly swear I won't make you watch Finding nemo tonight." they made me repeat 5 times. It was couple's movie night and the line up was: percisse, reynico, ironcap(Tony and steve), pipeabeth (Jason was pronounced dead 2 weeks ago but piper made it back, and them 2 helped eachother move on), and we let Will and Leo come because they are the loners(Leo is and Will always be straight in my opinion. I'm not against bisexuality seeing as how I'm bi, but Leo just never seemed or acted bi.) We all agreed on watching Hercules, to pull out fact from fake. After the movie we played spin the bottle truth or dare edition. Tony and Steve had to leave for a mission so it was just the teens. I spun. "Piper! I dare you to take Annabeth into the spare room and play 7 minutes of heaven!" She simply shrugged and dragged Annabeth into the bathroom. 7 minutes later we resumed. She spun and landed on Leo. "Leo, I dare you to make a metal dildo and put it in Chiron's room." he started working on that while spinning the bottle. It landed on Clarisse. "I dare you to have a full on make out session with Percy right now." Our cheeks both flushed instantly and she tackled me and kissed me and I slowly melted into it. I bit her lip, asking for entry. She granted it and our tongues intermingled in eachothers mouths. When we finally pulled away for air the rest of the group was gaping at us, except for Leo who was about to close the door to leave when he ran back in and slammed the door. "Guys! Zippy's back! And he brought friends!" he blurted. "Who the hell is zippy?" piper asked. "5 bucks in the swear jar." Will quipped. We ran outside to see what Leo was talking about. As We were running outside I hit the panic button on my watch to notify the avengers. Then we saw the SuperHumans. This time they had Zippy, 2 More floating people, a yellow version of zippy, a guy in a completely black costume and a woman with a sword and shield. "Who the hell are you?!?" Piper inquired. "We are the justice league, and we have been notified of you holding one of or teammates unjustly hostage." the floating guy with the S on his chest said. "I am Superman, the person next to me." he pointed to the other floating man." is Martian Manhunter. The one in the red suit with super speed is The Flash, and the one in yellow is Kid Flash. The woman with the shield is Wonder Woman. And the man in black is Batman. You know our names, you tell is yours." He said

After introductions

"Now... Let's battle!" Leo shouted then he shot a column of fire at Batman. I summoned water in an attempt to drown or stop the speedsters. Clarisse turned on her electric spear. Nico summoned an undead army and some rocks. Thalia shot lightning and blew the the air support to the ground. Will fired arrows. Annabeth and Piper threw Greek fire while piper was charmspeaking the justice league. WABOOOOOM!!! That's when the Greek fire hit Batman and knocked kid flash off balance. I surrounded the off balanced speedster in regenerating ice to stall him. Then I saw a flash back of 1 and a half month ago:

Zod's eyes started to glow red. I pushed Clarisse to the side and pulled out my shield from my watch that Tyson made a few years back. The beams from his eyes started to melt through my shield, hitting my shoulder. "GYYYYYAAAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed. Then there was silence.

"Clarisse! Run! Superman has the same powers as Zod! Run!" I Screamed frantically. At the mention of his name, superman turned towards me and blasted at me. I jumped out of the way in time but lost concentration on the dome of water. Having figured his job done with me, superman turned away and aimed at Clarisse. I started to panic, trying to figure out how I could save her and as he fired, I saw a blur of gray and some red, white, and blue then I saw quicksilver there with captain America holding the VIBRABIUM shield in front of the beams. The beams dissipated on contact with the shield. QS sped over to me with Clarisse who was bleeding out on her leg from a batarang. "They broke my spear! Now they're gonna pay!" She ranted. "Clarisse! Clarisse!" I warned. "Your injured! Can you work ranged weapons right now? I just don't want to risk you getting more injured worse right now." she nodded and I kissed her. "Don't die punk!" She quipped as QS sped her to the ranged area. When he got back he handed me an com earpiece and I put it in. "Tony! I need you to watch over the ranged area, we have one person severely injured over there and I don't want to risk her getting worse. Do you copy?" "I'm on it Persassy!" he replied. Then I ran back into the fray. There were no casualties yet, so, so far so good. I started to notice a pattern. "Guys! Target superman! Whenever someone gets incapacitated, he frees them!" I yelled over the coms. "Hey I called in an ally that has a bone to pick with superman. His name is lex luthor. He has the key to beating superman. Its something called 'kryptonite'." Tony said over the coms. "Hey my dad has an entire palace made of kryptonite.! Let me get some!" I said. I searched the sea for my dad's palace and found it then took a piece of a broken pillar and slowly used the water to sharpen it into a sword. Then I brought it up to the surface and had Tyson attach it to a hilt and handle. I gave the sword to QS who sped over to superman. As soon as Superman saw the sword, his eyes widened in panic. After a fierce game of 'laser tag', QS managed to jump high enough to reach Superman. As soon as he was high enough, he swung the sword, lopping off superman's head. As soon as the justice league saw this, they retreated. "WHOOOOO! WE DID IT!" I heard Clarisse yell. Everyone started laughing, and Tony came over to ask me to get more kryptonite. He was mid sentence when he was cut off by a scream from the ranged area. I rushed over there to investigate the scream and what I saw made me want to kill someone.

It was Clarisse, with Annabeth's dagger in her stomach.

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