Avengers Of Justice VS Braniac, Part 1

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Percy pov

So I'm sitting on the Quinn Jet, listening to Glad you came, when suddenly, I hear a loud screech of metal. I look out the window to figure out who interrupted my music. It was that damn tractor beam! Looks like we're going up faster than expected! I uncapped riptide. "Does everyone have some sort of night vision?" I asked. Everyone nodded yes. I flipped off all of the lights. We heard lasers being fired at the docking bay doors. They melted away to reveal a group of Eradicators and a vindictator. They walked in, looking for the switch. As soon as they hit the switch, we opened fire on them. After about 5 seconds, I asked "what robots?" and everyone started laughing. We started to march into the ship. We came up to a tunnel with a glass floor. What we saw when we looked down was terrifying. Hundreds of thousands of Eradicators, all standing in formation. "Those robots!" I heard Steve say. "We need to destroy that army!" I heard Natasha say. Batman walled up, motioning for us to get back. He set a bomb looking thing on the glass. When it activated, instead of blowing up, it grappled onto the ceiling and started cutting through the glass on the floor. Once it was cut, Batman grabbed the glass and set it off to the side. "So we still have the essence of surprise." he explained. We slowly made our way down there. Once we were down there, we heard what sounded like a war cry. The army turned towards us. "OK! WHO THE HADES BLEW OUR COVER!?!" I yelled. "WE DID!" we heard someone tell from behind us. When we turn around, we saw another army, this time full of familiar faces. "Damn, Reyna! It took you long enough!" then I saw Nico and Tyler stumble forward. "We used up a lot of energy!" they said in unison, then they both passed out. "If we're gonna fight alongside the Greeks, we might as well fight like them." Reyna said. "CHAAAAAAAARGE!" She screamed. We ran into battle against the massive Braniac army. They were like a hydra! Every bot you broke, two more took it's place! Then, somehow, an actual hydra got onto the ship and decided to help destroy the Braniac army. I whistled for Mrs. O' Leary for Tyson to ride. Then I heard something that I hadn't heard for the past 11 years. "Who wants tofu tacos with a side of BAD BOY LEO VALDEZ?!?" we heard after the wall shattered inward. I never thought I'd see that spunky pic again. And he was riding Feastus! And to top it all off, he had Calypso riding on the back in full war gear! She jumped down and landed with a shockwave. She pulled out her sword and charged into battle. Leo flew down to me. "Dude! You got a beard! And a wedding ring on! What did I miss!?! Did you and Annabeth get married!?!" I internally winced at that one. "Actually, things didn't work out well between us two." I said. "Then who are you married to?" he asked. "Clarisse..." I said, getting ready for the fan-girling that was about to commence. "Niiiiiice. Soooooo. Who is almost everybody new here?" he said. "Wait your not gonna fan-girl? Oh and we've got:
Batman, superman, flash, kid flash, green arrow, iron man, captain america, Hawkeye, and a hole lot more that I can't be bothered to name right now." I said. He nodded and charged into battle. Then I saw something that scared the hades out of me. Tyler being dragged away from the battle by an Eradicator. I charged over to where it had taken him, and once I was in the side tunnel, the door locked behind me. "Welcome, Percy Jackson. You, out of all the people out there, even superman, you pose the biggest threat to me. So I've brought you here to keep you captive. That is, until I've collected your planet. And if you don't comply, your son DIES!" I heard the Braniac say over the speakers. I put my hands behind my head in surrender. "HAHA! I KNEW THAT WOULD DO THE TRICK! Now! Follow the Eradicator to the testing room." I complied. Once we got there, the Eradicator put a camera five feet away from me and plugged it into a cord. Then I heard over the intercom "Warriors of earth! Stop what your doing right now! As you can see, I have your leader. If you want him to live, follow the Subjugator please."

2 months later

The braniacs put us in a power reducing room. "Clarrise? Do you ever think we will get out of here? We are going to die of dehydration soon enough!" I said. Then I looked up to the camera. "You want us to live, right? Then bring us some water so we don't die of dehydration!" I yelled. Soon enough, an Eradicator walked in with bottles of water. "Can you open them up for me? I don't have enough strength to open them." I lied. It opened the bottles. "Big mistake bub!" I said as I controlled the water and destroyed it. I then healed myself and made myself a sword of water. Then we all charged out of the room.

A/n AAAAND CUT! THAT'S A WRAP! I will be doing a sequel later (once in done with a white rose (weiss x ruby, Rwby) fanfic that I will be writing soon (in 1 week). Sorry of I got your hopes up! Don't kill me!

Also this person was the one who suggested The White Rose Fanfic:

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