That Happened... Amazingly...

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A/n Hey guys this is in Clarisse's Pov again, continuing it off of last chapter.

"You- you- you just k- kissed me. You... Actually.. Kissed me... Wha- why?" I stuttered out in shock. I mean, why would he kiss ME, of all people! "To prove to you that I'm not ma-" I cut him off by kissing him back. He melted into it slowly, hesitantly, but then relaxed into it. (shout Percisse [per-seess] if you totally ship it) We were interrupted by "is this a bad time for me to come in Clarisse aaaaand- PERCY?!?" Will screamed as he noticed us kissing.  "Wait. Wait. Wait... Are you two a thing now?" he inquired of us. "Tell anyone, and the only people you'll be blabbing it too is the spirits in the underworld." I threatened/confirmed. "Ok. Point proved! Point proved!" He left and Persassy said "Soooooooo... We're a thing?" I nodded and said "Ummm... Yeah I guess. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna take it easy on you in capture the flag, though." "Here's something! How 'bout you won't need to because we could ally together the Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Ares and Hades cabins for CTF. Me, you and Will could be the stealth attack team. 'The Spear, The Sword, And The Bow'." He joked. "I think we could get that to work, punk!" I said. "I- I- I was jok-"I cut him off yet again with a kiss. "And I wasn't."

Friday night during CTF setup
Percy Pov

"So for the cabins we wish to ally ourselves with, we have chosen Athena, Apollo and Hades with us as well as the Hunters of Artemis. Us against all of the other cabins!" I proclaimed. The entire camp cheered for the challenge. "Percy!" I heard a familiar voice call. "Percy! Turns out they were able to delay the war!" Annabeth yelled to me. "So do you want to get back together?" she asked "After ctf we can talk." I suggested. She nodded her head in response.

Mid match

"Are you going to get back with her?" Clarisse asked. "No, but I'm going to have to tell her why." I responded. She nodded her head in confirmation. "Hey! There's the flag!" Thalia said. We decided to bring her with and tell her our situation. "Gas masks on!" Will commanded. Thalia fired a stink bomb at the guards. We jumped out of the bushes and me and Clarisse took out the guards while will and Thalia were watching out for incomers. Clarisse grabbed the flag and we took off towards the border. We were 35 yards away when a shield hit Clarisse's leg. (a/n the avengers are on the other team btw) She tell to the ground and yelled out in pain. I capped riptide and picked her up. "You carry the flag and defend with your spear and flag, while I carry you to the border." She nodded. I took off towards the border. 30 yards. 25 yards. 20. 15. 10. Boom! An explosion of fire from my left nearly knocked me over. "You missed Leo!" I yelled. 5 yards. 1 yard. "WOOOOOO! THE SPEAR, THE SWORD, AND THE ARROWS WIN THE MATCH FOR TEAM RED!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "What the Hades Percy! That was right in my ear punk! But you did get us the win sooooo... It's forgiven." She rambled. "And the winner of this weeks ctf is red team! Thanks for an amazing performance by Percy, Clarisse, Thalia, and Will! Or, as they are calling themselves, THE SPEAR, THE SWORD, AND THE ARROWS! " Chiron announced. Then there was a blue streak of lightning zipping by followed by a red and yellow lightning. Everyone screamed and pulled out there swords.

Barry's Pov

First Reverse Flash is back, no Zoom! Why! And why are we in New York?!? Superman was off fighting Zod somewhere. So I'm stuck here alone fighting Zoom, again, in New York, in a summer camp, on a beach. Just how I wanted to spend my July. *cue sarcasm-from-percy-9000* I threw lightning at the water to attempt to confuse him and make him screw up. Then, he dissipated into thin air, causing me too stop momentarily, forgetting I was on the sand, and went flying into a tree.

Percy Pov

After the Superhuman flew into a tree We ran over to him and took a pair of handcuffs from his pocket and cuffed him to the tree. Then I shot him with water to wake him up. "Who the hell are you!" I yelled. "Hey! Your that kid that blew up the St. Louis Arch a few years back!" was all he said. "Tha- that's never gonna stop with people is it? Wait, wait, wait, how do you know that! " I proclaimed. "Good memory, now, I gotta figure out what happened to Zoom! Where'd he go?" he ranted. "I don't know! We were just finishing up ctf." His hand started vibrating through the cuffs. "Next time, don't cuff me. You've made an enemy." he said before he sped off. "Moving on! To congratulate the winners of this weeks ctf, would the SSA please step up on for your laurel wreaths!" Chiron said. We walked up there holding our weapons. He presented the laurels, congratulated us, then the flag changed to red with a spear crossed with a trident and an arrow. "SSA! SSA! SSA!" The crowd was chanting. I kissed Clarisse, and not a quick peck on the lips, but a full on melting kiss. Everyone gasped and I heard Annabeth yell at me and stomp off. "That can't turn out good." Will said. We shrugged and kissed again. "Just watch your back. You know what happens when Annabeth gets pissed." Will said again. "That's 5 bucks in the swear jar!" Clint shouted. "Come on!" Will responded and everyone started laughing (except for Annabeth).

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