resolution and battles!

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A/n I really, REALLY don't like writing the battle scenes so I won't switch perspectives except for with Percy and Clarisse.

2 days later, May 4th, 2022

Ever since the baby, there's been a sense of dread in the air, like something's about to go down... And then it did. They came back. With more people, more weapons, more of a reason to worry for the life of my wife and son. The secret of Tyler's 'extra' powers slipped, and somehow he was able to speak 3 grade sentences at the age of 8 months. So when he heard about the powers, he automatically went to uncle Nico. We ended up giving Nico permission to train him in the event of an emergency. This definitely counted. "Tyler! I need you to shadow travel to camp Jupiter with your aunt Reyna! She'll know what to do!" he ran off to find her. I pulled out riptide and walked up to Batman. "So! You bastards are back? Are you ready to get your asses handed to you again?!?" I threatened. Then I heard a thwop! From my left side then being hit from my right side. I fell through the strange portal and landed in a futuristic looking city. A group of people ran up to me with there swords out. With Clarisse in the lead. I put my hands up in surrender and they looked at me confused. "Why are you charging at me?" I asked. "You're dead! Or supposed to be! Why are you back! Have you come to kill more of us!?!" 'Clarisse' ranted. "Hey! I don't know when I am! Where came from, I was the hero, me and you were married, and we had a son! I'm from 2017, and I was about to save the camp from destruction again! We had Tyler, our son, shadow travel to camp Jupiter to help us in the war!" I ranted. "Oooohhhh! Your from earth 1!" she said. "Well, I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna send you back. WILL! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! WE NEED A PORTAL TO EARTH 1!" She shouted to the camp. Will over with his bow and some sort of button or device. He set the button on the ground and stepped on it. Then he shoved me through.

Tyler Pov

Oh my gods! Dad just fell through a portal! What do I do what do I do! Then I saw his sword. I ran over, picked it up, and yelled. I saw shadows and waves combining to wipe out the justice league. I instinctively guided the force of shadow water away from camp and towards the JL. I was about to plunge the water into the midst of them when I saw dad come out of a portal of to the side and put a finger up to his mouth. I plunged the water into their midst while he snuck up behind them and pulled out riptide. Wait wasn't riptide in my hand? I looked down to see my hand empty.

Percy Pov

Damn my son is good with his powers. He's only 1 and a half. I knew he would have extra knowledge having been blessed by Athena, but damn! I pulled out riptide and started to walk up to the justice league when my son started pushing the water towards me. Wait, why towards me?!? It went right past me and then I heard a groan from behind me. I saw a rugged version of myself being knocked to the ground. Everyone looked shocked. There were 2 Percy's!?! P2 (Percy 2) pulled out riptide and swung at me. I brought up riptide to defend and our swords clashed. The waves exploded like Mt. Vesuvius.  An arrow flew by. We clashed again. Or swords started glowing, heating up. Obviously they didn't like fighting them selves. We both threw our swords to the sides. I threw a punch. He ducked and upercutted me. I fell on the ground, disabled, my jaw on fire. He stepped on me. "Looks like I get to kill another demigod! And this time, Its myself apparently." He said. "You won't kill me. All your fighting for is the joy of killing me. I'm fighting for the world, my friends , and most importantly, my family. That's why I am going to win." I spat out. Then I used all the energy left to push his foot off me, shoving him into the portal where he came from. "And that's why I'll always win!" I shouted into the portal. Then it disappeared. Then I heard footsteps from behind me and saw Batman walk up to me. "Your not so bad kid. Maybe we were wrong about your camp." He said in his gravely voice. "I'd like to ask you to join us. If you can that is." then he pulled off his mask. The entire justice league gasped at his sudden display of trust. "Plus, you did something that I wasn't able to do, kill superman. I'm impressed kid." he said in his casual voice. "Thanks Bruce, but I'm already on 2 teams, and I don't think my fam could stand it I went missing again. Oh, and sorry for handcuffing you, Barry." I said. "Wait! How do you know my name?!?" he yelled. Then Tony flew over and said "that would be my fault. Let's see: Barry Allen, Bruce Whayne, Wally West, Diana hmmm I can't seem to be able to find a last name, Hal Jordyn, John Jones, Aurther Curry, Oliver Queen, Ray Palmer, and the others I don't want to list out right now because I need to make repairs to my suit, thanks a lot to supergirl." I just started laughing to myself. "There's your answer." We were about to go our separate ways when we heard what sounded like thousands of rockets landing at once."what the hades!" I heard Clarisse yell. I looked over to see a purple glass like box forming around Clarisse, levitating her upwards to a massive orb like space ship. "NO! CLARISSE!" I yelled, seeing my world get ripped away from me. Batman threw a batarang at the glass and it bounced off. "Brainiac!" he said to the JL. Supergirl rushed at the glass, slamming into it with all her force. It did absolutely nothing. Then we heard another rocket, but this time coming from the sea. We saw a blue and red streak zooming across the sky towards the glass. It hit and shattered straight through. Then the streak stopped. But I thought he was dead?!? He turned to look at me, eyes glowing, cape flying, like he was gonna murder my face. Supergirl stepped in front of me and said "He's on our team now. He was only protecting his camp and his family." He floated down and started to grin. "Well kid, you wouldn't be the first to try to kill me *cough, bruce, cough*. Soooooo... I forgive you. And you owe me for saving your girlfriend." he said in a cheerful voice. "Wife, it's been 10 years since I killed you. Speaking of which, how are you here?" I inquired. Supegirl put a hand up to both Batman and Superman's mouths. "Just don't question it, he's died before though." she said. Clarisse looked up groggily and saw me. She ran over and hugged me. I kissed her like I'd been waiting for it my entire life. "Stop getting yourself killed, otherwise I'm gonna have a heart attack!" I said jokingly. Then superman piped in with "Speaking of killing, we need to destroy the Brainiac, once and for all!"

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