Deep Breaths

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 Outside my window, I can see the oranges and pinks of the setting LA sky. It's certainly pretty, that's undeniable, but it's not as good of a view as it was from the rock. There is too many buildings obscuring the view and you can't even get a clear view of the horizon. I guess that's all I can get from the car window.

 "So are you gonna call work tomorrow?" I turn to my left, finding Tyler in the drivers seat.

 "Yeah." I answer him. "They'll probably do some digging around themselves to make sure I didn't fake my death for a sick day or something." Not that big of a deal really. I get where they're coming from even if the notion sounds bat shit crazy...this whole thing is bat shit crazy.

 Tyler chuckles a little, although it's dry and joyless, probably closer to a scoff. "Everyone thought you were dead." he says blatantly. "I thought you were dead!" the dry chuckle comes back...maybe it's more like disbelief.

 His words are true...weird but true. I mean...I thought about that...but not a lot. It's weird and uncomfortable to think that my family and friends were probably contacted saying that I was dead. I'll have to remember to call home tonight.

 "That's crazy!" Tyler continues. "Is that not crazy?! Like...what do you do now?"

 "I mean yeah, it's weird when you put it that way." I shrug. What is there to do? Get better? Am I supposed to turn my entire life around the lotto or something? I dunno. What I do know it is that I know get to live with the burden of the truth that mermaids are real...that's pretty fucked up.

 I'm not looking at him, but I can feel Tyler glancing at me in between driving, clearly wanting something. Does he want me to say something more? What more can I say?

 "I don't really think that I need to change anything about myself though." I shrug again. "I mean, it's a huge fucking inconvenience that it happened because now everyone thinks I'm dead, I don't have a phone, and I don't have car, but other than that...I move on."

 When we pull up to the red light, Tyler looks over at me and just stares, totally dumbfounded it seems. Did...I saw something wrong? I seriously don't know what I'm supposed to be saying in this situation. Nothing prepares you to be thrust into a situation where you should have died but instead a mythical beast saves you...person...not beast. Amelia isn't a beast.

 "You are taking this surprisingly well," he says to me as the light turns again, "and it's really freaking me out."

 "...How am I supposed to react?"

 "Well I mean...shouldn't you freak out...even just a little bit?!"

 I can't help but let out a light laugh. I mean, I overreact in certain situations but usually for the comedic factor of it. But I suppose I should be panicking at least a little. I think this near death experience has made me a little numb or something.

 I smile and turn back to Tyler though, "I'll tell you what, I'll start panicking when I have to deal with my insurance." 

 This time he gives me a more real laugh. I guess I need to keep him from panicking for me.

 We pull into a rural neighborhood that I know isn't my own...but why? Ohhh. This is Tyler's street...wait...what the hell? Why are we pulling into his driveway right now?

 "Why are we at your house? I thought you were taking me home?" I asked as he turns off the engine.

 He turns and shakes his head at me, "You seriously think you can be home alone after that? No. I don't think so."

 Tyler... 'The Mom Friend'. Usually pleasant and nice to have one of those around, but right now all I want is my own bed.

 "Besides," he continues, opening his door, "doctor said to keep an eye on you for at least twenty-four hours."

 I sigh unceremoniously as I open my own door and step out. Tyler quickly jumps from his side and runs to stand next to me before I can even get my door closed again. Geez, I'm not gonna drop dead just from getting out of the car. It's like ten steps to his door.

 Regardless, I let him hover right behind me for all of those ten steps. He moves in front of me though to open the door before stepping back and letting me walk in first. I really hope this isn't a constant thing. I'm a little more of a 'do-it-myself' kinda guy.

 "MARK!" I hear from somewhere in the house...I only was a couple steps in too.

 Barreling down the stairs and coming straight for me is a little blue boy. Ethan. I must have missed his car in the driveway or something.

 He is still barreling towards me...what's he gonna do? Is he gonna tackle me? I mean...he's small, but when he's going this I brace for impact?

 Thankfully, he skids to a stop directly in front of me and stares at me, motionless, and with a completely blank face. He's just...looking all around my face....

 "Umm...hi." I say a little awkwardly probably.

 Instantly though, a wide smile cracks across his face and his eyes light up with enthusiasm. "YOU'RE ALIVE!" Suddenly I'm being pulled into a very tight hug. "I was so...sad." he tries to cover it up with a small laugh, but I heard the way his voice cracked with the last word.

 I quickly hug him back, "Yeah. I'm okay."

 He lets go and pulls back, smile still wide on his face. "Good. Good." he says.

 "Ethan is gonna stay here while I drop by your house and get some clothes." Tyler informs me, looking between me and Ethan.

 "Wait, why aren't you taking me?" I ask. I don't know why we didn't just stop there in the first place before coming here. That would've been easier.

 "Because I wanted to see you as soon as I could." Ethan smiled next to me. I instantly feel bad for saying what I did. I seem to have a emotional disconnect right now with my friends. I have to be better about remember they literally thought I was dead.

 "That, and you probably would give me a hard time about it." Tyler smirked his ever so famous smile at me. Quickly making for the door, he turned back "I'll be back in a bit and I'll pick up dinner on the way back. Chinese?"

 "Yes please!" Ethan smiled again.

 "W-Wait a minute-"

 "Come on, Mark." Ethan bats at my arm. "We can play a game or watch something."

 Tyler, who was almost totally out of the door, quickly sticks his head back inside, "No! No screens!"

 "Why not?" Ethan whines out for me.

 "Cause he smacked his head and the doctors don't want there to be any swelling. The brain stimulation of a screen isn't good for him right now." Tyler answers back.

 "Ohh. Okay." Ethan smiles and bats at my arm again. "Hey, that's okay. I'm sure we'll survive without a screen for at least a little while."

 "Hey! Hold on!" I try to call out.

 "Alright, see you later." Tyler waves before the door closes.

 Ethan bounces on his feet before turning and bounding for Tyler's kitchen. "Come on." he calls. "Thirsty? Tyler has lemonade...can you have that right now?" but before I can answer, he's in the kitchen.

 ...Well that was frustrating. I need to cool a minute before I follow Ethan probably. Nothing bugs me more than when I'm spoken over. It's even more so annoying when the topic about me!

 "Mark? You coming?" I hear Ethan call out from the kitchen.

 Deep breaths...deep breaths. They didn't mean it...they're just concerned.

 "Yeah." I call back to Ethan, making my way towards the kitchen.

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