Can it get Worse?

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 I wonder if this is starting to become a bad habit for me? I mean, it's the second time this week I've gone out to visit Amy. Normally, I only go once a week, but this time I felt like coming out to talk to her again. Is it weird that I feel so comfortable talking to someone who is literally a mythical creature?

 Regardless, a month and a half since we met in the worst way possible, and we're still getting together often. I'm just glad no one has really bothered me about it. Tyler tried, he didn't like that I was just disappearing for a couple hours at a time once a week. But I'm a grown ass man! ...I think.

 It's fine. I think they believe I've just met a girl or something. I mean...they're not wrong. Although, I don't really consider Amy like that seeing as there is the big ol' barrier of her not being human and all. Shame, because our personalities mesh really well. It's easy to spend hours just talking to her, sometimes about super serious things and emotions, and other times just nothing and still everything.

 ...I think this is a bad habit now.

 I'm fine. I's not like I think about her super often and I always seriously look forward to seeing her again. It's totally not to the level where I'm heading out to the rock right now for the second time this week just because I wanted to tell her about how I think I found a dog I wanted to adopt....

 This is fine.

 ...Definitely not a bad habit.

 Just a good friend...that's totally normal...and not a mythical beast.


 Hey, what's that? Is someone sitting on the rock?

 Hmm, now that I'm a bit closer I can recognize that blonde hair anywhere.

 "HEY! AMY!" I call out over that sound of the little boat's engine.

 She quickly spins to face me. Normally, she'd have a big smile on her face whenever we get together, but this is different. It's almost like she's afraid to see me.

 I cut the engine as I get closer, letting myself drift the rest of the way to the rock. "Amy, what's wrong?" I ask her.

 "What are you doing here, Mark?" she asked in a hushed tone, fear still written all over her face, even though it was totally just the two of us with not even another boat in sight.

 "Well, I thought I'd stop by for another chat. Is it a bad time or something?" I ask her. "Is something going on, Amy?" I haven't even stepped out of the boat, but the concern is still heavy on her usually smile filled face.

 She just stares at me for a minute before speaking again in a hushed tone, "You shouldn't be here today."

 What happened? Did I do something or say something wrong?

 "Are you okay, Amy? Has something happened?" I ask her again. I'll leave if she really wants me too, but I'm still concerned about what is troubling her so much. It's only been a couple days since I was out here last, and she showed zero concern for anything in the world, just like she normally is. So this worry and fear of hers is seriously upsetting me.

 Amy casts a worried glance back down in the depths below us. "You really need to go, Mark. Quickly." she repeats herself.

 "I will, I promise, I just wanna make sure you're okay."

 "PLEASE, MARK! JUST GO!" she shouts at me. It totally takes me back in shock.

 I didn't even notice till just now, but the boat I haven't had to get the chance to step out of, is bouncing pretty good against the waves. The winds aren't that high, but the water is getting choppy. What's happening right now?

 Amy looks back down into the water, obviously seeing more than I can into the dark depths, and only gains more worry and fear onto her face. "Oh God." she whispers under her breath.

 "What's going on?" I'm holding to either side of my little tin boat, the choppy waters beginning to bounce me harder and harder.

 "It's too late." she says sadly. Before I can ask her what she means, she turns back to me with sadness in her eyes, "Mark, you need to get out of here as fast as you can. I'll hold them off for as long as I can."

 "What?!" She has totally lost me now. "Amy, what the hell is happening?!" I'd love just to get some semblance of an answer.

 "My people," she answers, shuffling to the edge of the rock, getting ready to dive in. "they aren't happy that you've been around so much."

 "They're upset with me?" I question. I begin to heed her offer of escape though as I tug on the chord to start my little engine. I've never tried to push this little boat through choppy waters, is it different than normal? Oh God, probably.

 "They're upset with both of us!" She turns to look back at me, the eye contact we make feels heavy, "Just get back to shore as fast as you can, and...never come back here again."

 I just stare at her for a moment, my brain trying to comprehend what is being said to me. This person I've grown so close to and become so fond of is telling me to leave and never come back. It feels like I've been kicked in the chest and all air has left my lungs, leaving me breathless, and unable to speak.

 I take a sharp breath in, finally moving my mouth again, "Amy, no-"

 "Goodbye, Mark." Amelia smiles once more before she pushes herself off the rock, disappearing into the water.

 My heart is telling me to jump in the water after her, yet I find my body moving to the rudder lever of the boat, turning me away from the rock and driving me away. My head is trying to think only of what is gonna happen to Amy, but I have to focus on the waters around me. The choppiness is very different from normal, and it's like someone is attacking my boat from all sides, forcing me to correct constantly.

 It's fine, I just have to get to the docks, and then I'll go from there. I'll plan out a way to find Amy, because I won't let that be the last time I see can't be.

 I feel a splash hit my right side. There is water in the bottom of the boat now too. What's with the water right now? Is this Amy's 'people' attacking me? Because the rocking of my ship is getting pretty harsh now.

 As long as I keep going and get to the dock, it'll all be okay.

 It's not okay.

 I feel a sense of weightlessness as the boat is pushed over and throws me out. The second that I hit the water, I quickly rush back up to the surface. I just need to stay above it, maybe I can swim to shore.

 Someone's grabbing my ankle.

 My head aches as my sinuses are violently filled with water as I'm quickly pulled down below the surface. I might have ocean water in my nose forever now...if I ever get back above it ever again.

 I try to pull against the hand holding me, I even try to swim in the opposite direction, but I'm not even an annoyance to the person...or thing pulling. Instead, I'm only being pulled down into the darkness at an alarming rate, watching as the light of the surface becomes more and more distant.

 Oh! They've let go! The sudden stop in moving is making my head spin and I hesitate to remember which way is up for a moment, but I eventually start swimming back towards the surface as fast as I can.

 Even though no one has a hold on me anymore, I can still feel the water around me being pushed and moving. It's like there is a swarm of people swimming directly next to me, but I can't see anyone or anything around me.

 My lungs are starting to burn, I didn't get the deepest breath before I was pulled to this watery hell of mine...I hate the ocean.

 I'm hit from behind, like someone gave me a real solid smack in the back, and I struggle not to lose what breath I have left. There is a tight gripping around my torso that is holding me in place. I look down, but I honestly don't wanna admit what I'm seeing.

 The crushing pressure squeezing me tighter and tighter, most likely trying to squeeze the life out of me...literally, is a large tentacle.

 ...I really hate the ocean.

 Sorry. :)

From The Place I Hate, Came My LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt