I'm Lying

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 My ears rung as my neck snapped sharply to the left again. My jaw is killing me. This guy seems to keep punching me in the same spot over and over again. I will admit though, he's got a nasty right hook.

 "Alright. That's enough." a voice called out, stopping my attacker.

 I let my head fall onto my chest with a heavy sigh. Some of my own blood was already on the front of my shirt from my cut lips and gums. The ropes that were binding me to this stiff chair were beginning to dig into my wrists as well. Over all, this is probably isn't as bad as being drown by a tentacle monster, but I have no clue what mine and Amy's fates will be from this either.

 "So, Marcus," I heard Joseph begin, "what really happened in the car accident?"

 It's almost annoying how many times he's asked the same question with different wording now, like some certain way he's gonna say it is gonna magically make me okay with telling him shit. Instead, I simply spit out more blood that fills my mouth and give him the same response I've been giving him for a while now. Questions.

 "Where is Amy?" I growl. "What did you do to her?" She's been my main concern ever since I woke up in this damn warehouse. I didn't see what happened to her on the boat after that strong hit to the back of my head when I went to stand.

 "Tell us about the events of how you two met and we'll tell you where Amy is." Joseph bargained.

 "What does it matter? She's just a friend of mine." I defend. It doesn't take much to see that they're calling my bluff, but I'm not gonna just tell them straight out either.

 My face is suddenly lifted with a hand under my chin and I'm forced to look eye to eye with Joseph. His old face no longer resembling a kind old grandfather, but rather a creepy mage that should've probably died centuries ago. His smile is full of lies and no comfort, and it's only making me feel uncomfortable.

 "Why don't you just try me." he says. "Just tell me how you two met."

 I glare at him as I take heaving breaths, doing my best to clear the ringing in my head. But if it's a story he wants, it's one he'll get. "I met her recently. Friend of a friend. She's peaked my interest though so I though I'd take her out in the little tin can you called a boat." I seethed at him. He made speaking difficult as he's still got a iron grip on my bottom jaw.

 His face stretched as a smirk came over his face, "So why didn't I see her walk into the shop with you? I clearly remember you being alone...and I'm certain I would've remembered a pretty little thing like her."

 "I dunno. Maybe you should get new glasses, old man."

 Apparently he didn't like my comment though. He quickly dropped my head and next thing I knew, mr. right hook was back. That last punch got my nose, and now I can feel the blood filling my nasal passages. Great.

 "Don't lie to me, Marcus." Joseph said from somewhere in the room. "I am a respected scientist that has been studying the sea for years now. I know all of it's secrets and all it's mysteries...well...most of them at least."

 He continued speaking I think. I dunno. I couldn't really hear much after punchy here hit me in the ear. Now my head is seriously ringing and my vision is swirling. That, and I'm struggling to breath around the blood that's filling my mouth and nose.

 "Do I make myself clear?" was the thing I heard once the punching stopped again. I have no clue what Joseph said to me, but I guess he doesn't realize that punching someone doesn't really help them pay attention.

 My head was lifted off my chest again, but this time by my hair. There was pain from my hair being pulled, but it was almost nice to have my head held up again. I could almost breath through my gushing nose.

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