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Chapter 1: New people, new bonds.
"Ariana, time to go to his cell. Don't be late. Your class starts in 30 minutes. Meet him now so you can try to get to know him better, and you can go to class." Miss Celine eyes me as I stare in the bathroom mirror, tying my hair up in a bun. I nod with hidden annoyance building up in me.

She closes the door and I take off the white pumps that have been aching my feet forever, I eventually had to put them back on, I feel like the heel of my small foot created a wound from these white freaking pumps.

I walk out the bathroom to Harrys cell;  my stomach raced with adrenaline, my heart felt as if it pumped twice as fast, and my hands felt damp. Why? I don't know.

I insert the code to his cell, and it opened revealing a security guard, he nods as he realizes it's just me and leaves the perimeter, closing the huge metal door shut. Gee I might get murdered here. Maybe not physically, just..emotionally, but who am I to judge?

I turn around slowly with my eyes closed, that's when I felt breathing hitch on the button of my nose. My eyes widened; about to scream but his hand covered my mouth. "Shhh I'm not going to hurt you." He smirks backing away and uncovering my mouth. I felt paralyzed.

"H-hi." I take my hand out for him to shake. My hand has been out for a while now and so I'm guessing he doesn't want to shake it. I bring it back down and clear my throat, "I'm Ariana. You're Harry right?" I fix my posture.

"Mhm." He still had that smirk on my face, irritating the hell out of me.

"So, is there anything specific that you need to tell me before going to class?" I ask. My breath was shaky as he came closer, his mouth near my ear.

"Rumors are stupid. Identifying me as 'crazy' won't make you any good or make me better. Don't make me judge you cause we all know how that feels." I feel like I know where's he's going through this, but at the same time, why should I trust him?

I look at him in the eyes. The green ones that give you an emotion of a peaceful and soothing day. Yet I'm wrong. These green ones held adventures and thrill; anger and experience. It's as if rain is making the green tree soggy, but once you light it up with a sun, it's brighter and happier with its light. And that's my goal, to find what his brightness is. What or who, will fulfill his light.

"Tell me Harry, why did you kill your loved ones? Why did you murder your close relatives? The innocent little dog?" He pins me against the wall in anger. Yet I showed no tensity, but inside I was scared as crap.

Harry smirks at my confidence. "You shouldn't hide out your emotions love, I know your scared. I can see it in your eyes." He tried to shake away the question by adding a new topic. I could tell. It's his first day, I shouldn't be hard on him by asking these questions.

"You're right, I'm scared. At least I'm not scared at admitting how I feel, or..what I did." He chuckles. "You want the truth don't you?" I swear our faces were at least 1 in a half inches apart; his minty breath hitting my nose. His dangerous green eyes never left my innocent doe brown ones. "That's what I'm here for." I look at his eyes directly as well, and honestly I'd stare at it anytime.

"Class starts in 5 minutes." The speaker illuminated with Miss Celine's voice through the building of the Asylum, sure enough for us to hear.

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