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Chapter Twenty: For your eyes only


Here we were, Ariana and I sitting in this nurses room as she fiddled with my fingers.

"Harry.." She asks not taking her eyes off my hand, playing with the rings.

"Hm?" I hum as I stare at the cabinets in front of us just thinking.

She looks at me and gives a small smile, "I'll find a way to get you out of here. You don't deserve to be here." She changed her position now on my lap as she puts her hands on my shoulders, "Harry when will you be able to tell me. Get mad at me if you want just—"

I close my eyes and put my finger on her lips shushing her. "Shush my dear baby." She laughs and bites my finger. "I'll tell you tomorrow." She jumps a bit excitingly since she was on my lap facing me, but I immediately open my eyes as I feel her rub against me, "Ariana Ariana Ariana." I stop her actions and grab her cheek with one hand, squeezing her cheeks pushing her lips together, she looked so cute.

" I stop her actions and grab her cheek with one hand, squeezing her cheeks pushing her lips together, she looked so cute

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"Do you really want to temp me?" She frowns in confusion. "Well what's that supposed to mean?" She mumbles trying to talk, her voice sounded so squished I almost cried at how fucking cute this princess is.

I snicker looking down which she looks down at too, "oh.."

She crawls off of me and sits beside me laughing to herself. "That's funny." She laughs a bit more.

"Oh shut up."



It's been hours since Harry and I've spoke, I was currently just in the nurses room organizing some papers for some patients.

The whole time I've been hearing thumps, coming from the cabinets above me and through my curiosity I try to ignore it, except I can't. It's really annoying if you couldn't tell.


And so what I do is I get up and grab a chair so I can reach the cabinet above the counters, and I open it, the thump more clear and prominent.

I take out all the antibiotics since I couldn't really see anything, and once I do black liquid was seeping through the wall, and for some apparent reason there was an arrow pointing towards the right cabinet, I almost flinched falling off the chair in shock.

I open the right cabinet and to my surprise that's when the thump became louder than usual, it was a pretty long cabinet, I could fit myself in it although it was attached to the small cabinet where it had the black leaking.

Inside this cabinet were brooms and sweeps, I take it all out finding a small knob on the bottom right.

I sigh taking a deep breath and opening it with my curiousness, but I immediately close it once someone bursts through the door, I end up falling on my butt.

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