Fix Me

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Blue had completely exhausted himself from crying. He didn't think he had anything else left in him to cry. He was tied up in the shed, which normally would have been fairly easy to get out of, but Stretch seemed to have made some additions in here since he left. The bars were closer together, too close to get through, and every object had been removed, leaving Blue with no bed or food or even the kind notes he would have left a human if he had captured them.

What was he going to do? Red and Fell wouldn't think to come here for him. He hadn't even told them that he was leaving, let alone where he was going! Maybe they would think there had been a reset and that he'd been returned to his world? But no, they knew that when Swapverse had a reset, Blue stayed with them.

They would think he'd been dusted. They would think someone in their world had killed him.

Blue found himself hoping very hard that they wouldn't kill anyone. They'd been doing so well, Fell had even found the beginnings of gaining back the emotion he had lost to his LV. He didn't want them to lose all of that just because of him.

And what would happen when the world reset? He didn't have his soul bond anymore, he would forget everything! Would he return to UnderFell? That was his world now, but...he was pretty sure resets didn't cross multiversal lines. No, he would stay here...and he would forget.

What was he going to do?

His remaining piece of a soul gave a painful lurch, and he gasped slightly. He could feel the missing part as though it had been a piece of his body that had turned to dust. There was an intense sensation of something missing.

Had Red felt it when their connection had been severed?

Blue hoped not. Red didn't deserve to be in pain like he had been. This was borne of his own trusting stupidity.

The door creaked open suddenly, and Blue squinted at the sudden stream of light. Stretch stepped through carefully, shutting the door behind him. Blue glared at his brother, trying not to shake. There was probably nothing to be afraid of. Stretch had already gotten what he wanted, and despite everything, he did seem to have what he thought were Blue's best interests at heart.

Blue knew he wouldn't hurt him. He knew he could be better. He could be helped.

Blue could help him.

Red cracked his door open, more food in his hands. "Blue?" he asked quietly, not wanting to wake him if he was still asleep.

"I'm awake," came the muffled reply, and Red shivered slightly at how tired he sounded.

"Brought you more food," he murmured, stepping through the door and closing it behind him. "Do you mind if I turn on the light?"

Blue made a noncommittal noise that Red chose to take as a no, and he flicked on the light. Blue was sprawled facedown across the bed, and Red couldn't help the ghost of a smile that flickered across his face. Blue was still wearing his jacket, and he had the hood flipped up so that Red couldn't see his skull and he had managed to kick off all of his blankets, which were now bundled down somewhere around his knees.

"Hey, who let the fluff monster in here?"

Blue let out a groaning sort of laugh, then rolled over. "I didn't mean to lay like that, that actually kind of hurt. I roll around a lot in my sleep, is all," he informed him.

Red smiled for real this time and said, "Oh, believe me, I know. Can't count the number of times I've woken up to you hitting me in the face with your flailing,"

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