Only You Can Hear Me

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"So you are a prince....from hell?" I asked still rubbing my neck where I felt someone almost choke the life out of me.

"Yes. See when you almost died you were supposed to find your angel, but instead you found me. I'm still trying to figure out why because looking at your should have went to heaven." Taehyung said. Man he sounds so crystal clear yet I see no one around.

"Yeah!" I cheered. I've always had doubt whether I would go to heaven or hell because of my father. My father use to always say no one is an angel but doesn't mean you have to be a saint either. Yet I use to believe if I didn't pray every night or thank God for my meal everyday, I would ended up in hell. And yet to think I'm supposed to go to heaven after all. That right there is truly a miracle.

"Why are you happy? You should be upset. Instead of finding your angel, you found me instead." I actually heard a little laugh come from him which just made me mad.

"It doesn't matter who I found! I'm still alive! But now I know I'm going to heaven!" I snapped standing up straight. Wherever this demon prince is he's about to get a foot slammed down his throat.

"You really think you'll go to heaven after finding yourself in hell. Think again baby. Once you enter hell, there is no turning back. You'll be here with me sooner or later." I once again heard the hysterical laughter come from his voice. He's really starting to piss me off. I started cursing at him as I looked more around for the voice.

"Oh calm down. Let me finish what I was trying to say earlier. My name is Taehyung, I'm the prince of the underworld, or what you humans call hell. I'm entitled to the throne and as soon as I can wear the crown I will come down to earth to get you." His last words struck me like a knife. Get me?

"What do you mean by that?" I asked feeling my heart race.

"Meaning until I can marry you, I'll be right here beside you. In your head until I become the king. Remember Soohee, only you can hear me." Taehyung's voice started to sound a little faded as I heard a noise outside the store. I looked over to see the owner and her daughter walking inside.

"Did you find yourself a dress Miss. Lee?" The owner asked. But I wasn't really paying attention. Taehyung's last words kept echoing in my head. Marry? Only I can hear him?

"Miss. Lee?" The owner said touching my arm. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I thought about the dress.

"That red one over there." I barely spoke pointing to the extremely revealing red dress that Taehyung chose. I can't help but feel a little nervous as the owner wraps up the dress.

"Good girl." I hear Taehyung's voice again and was expecting the owner and her daughter to jump up. Yet they seemed to not even hear a thing.

"I told you. Only you can hear me Soohee." Taehyung spoke again. I jumped up again as I swore I felt his breath against my ear. He's just playing with my mind!

"Here you go Miss. Lee. I hope you enjoy your party!" The owner said handing me the bag with the dress inside.

"Could you hear anyone just a minute ago?" I whispered to the owner. I grabbed her hand tightly.

"No, Miss Lee. Is something wrong?" She asked getting worried. Her daughter walked over to the counter sitting a bottle of water down.

"Oh, n-nothing. Thank you for the dress." I said holding the dress up. I gave her a fake smile as I walked out the store. Taehyung was right. As I walked down the street I really did feel like he was beside me. Is it a trick?

"Do you wanna play a game? Oh! I got it! Hell or heaven! When a person walks past you, I'll tell you if they're going to heaven or hell. Okay...lets start with the mom over there holding the child." Taehyung said. I stopped walking as I looked over at a nearby shoe store to see a mother and a small boy. The mother was holding the child's hand tightly as she looked around the store.

"She looks nice right. That's until you see the bruises on that little boy's back. She beats him everyday because her parents did the same. She's going to hell, oh and another thing, so is her son. He looks innocent right, well he sat down and watch the neighbor's cat get run over and crawl away helplessly, he then ended up getting rocks and throwing them at it. The mom will be dead in four years leaving the child behind with his drunk father. The son will grow up to best his wife, until he causes her to have a miscarriage. She'll kill herself two years later leaving behind a very angry brother who will finally kill the son. Both will be in hell in twenty five years." I dropped my bag as I looked closely at the mom and son.

"H-how do you know that?" I asked as a single tear rolled down my cheek.

"Because I'm a demon. I know everything. That homeless woman you see over there. She's begging for food, but truthfully it's not for her. Around the block is a sick mother dog who is taking care of her puppies. That homeless woman feeds that dog everyday while the woman's stomach growls. She's going to heaven. And that teenage girl with the sexy short white skirt. Her parents use to abuse her, but she turned her life around helping sick children everyday. She's also in a non suicide help center to help people who try and kill themselves." I felt my tears dry up as I heard the last two stories.

I wanted to hear more good stories but my phone started to ring and as I grabbed it I had to answer it. "Where are! The ball is starting in twenty minutes! Get home and get ready! Minsuh is already here with the makeup artist and hairdresser!" My father yelled over the phone. If anyone knows my dad they know he's scary when he gets mad. I reached down grabbing my bag before running home. Taehyung stayed quiet most of the time until I sat in the makeup chair.

"Soohee. I'm going to leave you for a few hours, please stay safe. Okay." I smiled as I heard Taehyung speak. For some reason too, I felt like he was smiling back as well.

"Your dad said light makeup and soft curls." Minsuh said grabbing the red lip tint.

"Well, if daddy says so." I mumbled closing my eyes.

I'm actually looking forward to hearing you again Taehyung.

Back with chapter two!
Ehh! I'm so tired right now but happy I got this up!
Hopefully it's okay!
The next one should be good!

Thanks for reading!

                                 Anyways,                          Thanks for reading!

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