Close Your Eyes

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I woke up to feel sweat and blood rolling down my face. I reached up to touch my face to feel that the blood was all dried up. So it wasn't a dream like I thought. I looked around to see that I was still in my bedroom. I tried sitting up only for me to scream out in pain. I looked down to see my stomach with dried up blood on it. Where the wound was there was now a huge bandage. I heard the bedroom door open followed by a tall guy running in. In his hand was a first aid kit and a glass of water. I followed his every move as he sat the glass down on my nightstand followed by him turning on the lamp.

"'s me-" I cut him off by reaching my hand out to touch his. His skin was warm which is something I wasn't feeling at the moment. I rubbed my fingers over his as he just stood still. I knew who this person was but something inside of me was hoping it wasn't. That he didn't give up everything just to come and save me.

"Taehyung. Why are you here?" I asked calmly still not looking up at his face. I watched him sit down on the edge of my bed making it sink down even more.

"Because Jungkook was killing you, and I couldn't just stay down there and watch. I know what I did was crazy-" I cut him off by snapping my head towards his face. Even though I could see how hurt he was in his eyes, I still saw the hint of anger.

"If both you and Jimin left hell, then who will become the king?" I yelled.

"Probably one of my dad's favorites pets. Truthfully I don't know." Taehyung said popping open the first aid kit. "I need to clean your wound again. It's really bad." he mumbled pulling up my shirt.

"What did Jungkook do to me?" I asked as I felt Taehyung pull the bandage from my skin. I couldn't help but let out a little wimp as it tugged on the flesh.

"He tired to rip your heart out through your stomach. It's a old way of showing hate towards a enemy's love one." Taehyung mumbled. Jungkook tried doing what! Oh my God! No wonder why it felt like my insides were being pulled out, technically they were. Is this what a true demon is? I know first hand what's it like to see torture, I mean for goodness sake my dad is a gang leader. But to rip out someone's heart like it's a piece of cotton candy is insane.

But I stayed still and quiet as I watched the person in front of me fix my bloody situation. Unlike Jungkook, Taehyung is kind and warm hearted. It's crazy to call him a demon. I feel like-wait...what is he doing?

"Tahyung!" I snapped pulling my shirt down. The guy I was just saying was kind was actually touching my chest.

"What? I couldn't let a great opportunity go to waist. They were just sitting there asking for my to-" I cut him off by slamming a pillow agaist his head. I watched him stand up smirking. I can't believe I was just talking about this guy being sweet and he does this. Maybe Taehyung should stay in hell, I mean he is a pervert. I was about to yell at him some more when his eyes turned red for a second. I felt my heart stop beating as he grabbed my hand. I felt like I was being lifted up but Taehyung never picked me up.

"Close your eyes." For some reason I did what he said and I felt like a gush of wind blew right before my very face, yet I knew the windows in my room where down. "You can open them now." Taehyung said. I felt like I was standing up but new it was impossible, I was just laying in my bed. But I was wrong, when I opened my eyes I could see nothing but black sky with a dark red moon. The air felt heavy and hot but it wasn't like it the summertime in my city. I then looked back at Taehyung who was smiling weirdly. I knew then something was up with him.

So another chapter will be up in a few minutes.
I'm trying to do something now on like double updates. Mostly since I get behind on these I would give you guys two instead of one. And after the next chapter is finish I have a crazy dramatic (that ended up with police) story that happen today....if anyone is still reading this.

Thanks for reading!

                       Anyways,                Thanks for reading!

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