Gangster's Daughter

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It was already passed midnight on a Thursday night as I laid awake in my bed. Earlier that day Taehyung dropped the news.

Seven Hours Earlier

"Why do you want me to go into this shop? It's really creepy and on the bad side of town." I whined as Taehyung told me to open the door of the creepy old gothic store. I felt the smell of onions and a rotten smell coming from inside hit my nose. I then looked around to see no one.

"Wait. Taehyung...this shop closed down years ago. I believe the owner..." Memories of the news breaking through flashed through my head. "She was murder here." I choked on the last words.

"Yeah. She was a wicked lady, but didn't deserve to die like that. Either way she still has something in the back part of here I want you to have." Taehyung went on. I watched as a bookshelf nearby start to fall over. Taehyung must be really looking for this item. I walked around looking at almost everything. This shop was a dark red with black lace on the walls. The counter desk's cash register was smashed open, probably where a group of kids broke in and stole the money. On a nearby clothing rack I saw a few old vitage dresses, the ones that looked like they were from the English eighteen hundreds. Beautiful, yes, but they were covered in cob webs.

"Found it!" Taehyung made a dirty old broom fall of the wall pointing it to a old room. I didn't like the idea of sneaking into a dead women's shop...but Taehyung seemed to really want me to find something inside that room. I walked past a old rack of hats and opened the door. Immediately I could smell nothing but rotten flesh. I couldn't see anything from the pure darkness the room was in but I could definitely see something huge in the middle of the room.

"The lady who owned this shop was named Mira. She...she was my grandma." Taehyung seemed upset at first but then went back to his happy self. "But she made this for you years ago. I made sure that it was beautiful, sexy, and still classy." Taehyung made sure that I heard the sexy part. I laughed a little before the lights in the room flashed on showing me that standing in front of me was a sheet thrown on something. Taehyung used his powers once again to rip off the sheet reviewing a beautiful red gown. I stared at the gown, it was absolutely flawless. It was a dark crimson red with a beautiful black glittering beading on it.

 It was a dark crimson red with a beautiful black glittering beading on it

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"Taehyung...this..this is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen." I walked over to it touching it's beautiful fabric.

"Great! Because baby it's your wedding dress." Taehyung said. I stopped touching it, feeling my stomach drop. Wedding? I'm still not ready to get married...and especially to someone I can't even see. I mean Taehyung doesn't seem like a horrible person but I can't forget that he is a freaking demon. He can control me just like Jungkook could...and I don't like that. I don't like the fact a demon wants me as his bride. I may be a gangster's daughter...but I'm not fearless like my dad. I can barely climb a tree for goodness sake, let alone travel to hell just to marry the prince, or soon to be king of hell.

"Taehyung...I can't." I expected him to shout at me but surprisingly he didn' fact he just agreed with me.

"I didn't expect you to jump up and down. Can you just do me a favor though?" Taehyung's voice sounded hurt but he still kept it steady.

"Sure." I mumbled.

"Can you take the dress home and think about it? I promise you one thing Soohee. If you agree to be my wife, I'll make sure to be your angel for you instead." Taehyung's words stung at my heart. He really wants me to be his wife. Why? You can't tell me it's just because I found you instead of my real angel. But I did what Taehyung said and took the dress home with me. After I got home I had to explain to my housekeepers and my dad what the dress was for, I just ended up telling them it was a designer dress I bought for my room. It wasn't so much of a lie, I did indeed place the dress on a rack in my room. It looked really well with the black carpet I had done last year. But after I came home I didn't hear anything from Taehyung. I took a shower and ate dinner all alone. My dad had to leave once again for business with the Jeon's and I told the housekeepers and maids to go home. Tonight..well tonight I felt like staying home.

I flopped down on my bed wanting to go to sleep, but my mind won't let me. I looked over at my clock to read twenty passed midnight. My eyes felt very heavily but my mind won't let them close. My heart was still racing as the thought of me becoming a demon's bride. I may like Taehyung...but I don't think I have those feelings just yet. I mean I just meet the guy and just found out he's a demon for goodness sake. I can't marry a demon! Who in their right mind would marry a demon!

But maybe...Taehyung could become my angel?

so that's a wrap! Just kidding, I've got another chapter that will be up in a few as well. Hopefully this one was okay..because the next one will be good. (does evil laugh) hopefully you'll think so

                      (I don't know why I chose this as a gif, it's not dark at all)⚫️〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰⚫️

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(I don't know why I chose this as a gif, it's not dark at all)

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