I Can See You....

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"Okay, well after taking a shower I'll put some more medicine on your wound." Jimin said as I closed the bathroom door. It's been a day since I've been with Jimin and I've already got twenty calls from my dad. I ended up making up a lie that I was staying with a friend from school. Even through I'm on school break he still fell for it.

I locked the door walking to the shower. I turned the water on getting it on the warmest temperature I could handle. The extreme hot water I usually love I can no longer do. If the water is to hot it burns my wounds even more, and I want to be out of the pain as much as possible. After getting the water to the right temperature I started getting undress. Once I stepped inside the shower I watched as dried up blood ran down the drain. Gosh it looks just like Psycho. I thought.

"It does." I almost fell in the shower as I heard Taehyung's voice. Since the night Jungkook brought me to Jimin's I haven't heard back from Taehyung which was really worrying me. Jungkook said Taehyung could have been working out for the fight coming up so I let it go. But a day without Taehyung's pervert ways was strange.

"I'm trying to take a shower! This wasn't the best time to start talking back to me." I said grabbing the shampoo.

"I know I can see you." My feet went out from under me realizing Taehyung could see me completely naked. However he sees other people he sees me as well, meaning he is looking at me right now. That's how he knew the blood was going down the drain.

Instead of me falling to the shower floor I was being held up by something. I looked around my waist to see a faded dark purple and gold mist around me. It felt like nothing around me yet also felt like something was holding me up strongly. Even though the mist caught me I dropped the shampoo in my hand hearing a loud bang on the ground.

"What is this stuff Taehyung?" I asked standing back up. I watched as the stuff disappear. My hands felt cold all of a sudden as the water hit my back.

"It's just a mist. Nothing you should worry about-"

"But I do Taehyung! I don't know what I'm getting myself into-" Now I was cut off by knocking at the bathroom door.

"Soohee, you okay?" It was Jungkook's voice behind the door.

"Yeah, I just dropped the shampoo, thanks." I yelled back.

"As much as I'm glad to hear you back, can you please let me take a shower in peace." I wrapped the shower curtain around me until I heard nothing more come from Taehyung. After showering and getting dressed I opened the bathroom door to see Jungkook with the small medical kit in his hands.

"I know it was Taehyung. You don't remember that you aren't the only one who can hear him? Both me and Jimin can hear Taehyung. We all come from the same place." Jungkook mumbled grabbing my wet towel from my hands.

"Is she out?" Jimin yelled from down stairs.

"I'm out!" I yelled back walking down the stairs. Jungkook walked behind me still holding the medical kit.

"Okay good I thought Taehyung got you in there." Jimin laughed pulling out a chair out from the dinning room table.

"Shut up." I snapped.

"Yeah, yeah. Now come over here. It's time for me to clean your wound." Jimin mumbled.

I'm not going to lie and say it's not a little uncomfortable to have Jimin touching my stomach. I don't know why...but I really don't like it when people touch me. Especially after Jungkook tried ripping my heart out.

"How many times do I have to say sorry? I was just-" I cut Jungkook off by throwing the row of tape at him.


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