My lucky star?

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Eun Hyorri~

"Taeyong," he said giving me a big smile.

"Hyorri, Eun Hyorri" I said while resting my chin on my palm looking at him.

"Hyorri, ahh cute.So, what are you doing here really?You said you needed some fresh air.First day at college problems?" He said.

Listening to his soothing voice wanted me to tell him everything.Tell him how miserable I am.Tell him how my heart is breaking into pieces and the broken pieces are being stepped on every single day.Tell him how im sick, and tired, of being me.I wanted to tell him how I, who is hated by everyone, who is left alone in this world, lonely, collapsing, and crushed, really wished to die.To go away leaving everything behind.But instead, the only thing that came out of my mouth, was a simple,

"Oh im fine."

He looked at me, clearly worried, but before he could say anything that would practically make me cry, I turned away.

"Right, we just met, you obviously aren't comfortable with telling me anything.Im not a mean guy!I promise you I will NEVER hurt you in any way.So let's get to know eachother Hyorri" he said while walking to the hammock hanged directly under the stars.
"Come here!" He said patting an empty spot beside him.

And so I walked.And sat down, starring straight up focusing on one star, a star that shone the brightest that night, a star that caught my eye, a star that constantly made me picture Taeyong in my mind.Taeyong, the boy Im sitting next to.


"So tell me about yourself and I'll tell you some things about me." He said.

"Okay well, My name is Hyorri, im 19, I love daisies, Im taking gymnastics, and I, as a matter of fact, think you, were quite rude to me the other day!" I replied.

"What??" He laughed."Hey we're supposed to forget what happened, don't bring back the past!I wasn't okay that day."

"Okay fine," "but this is the only time Im letting you off!If you ever do anything rude or say anything rude or sing!Or write anything rudeeeee,,, Ill remind you of your whole past!Since the first day you open your eyes.YOU watch." I said giggling until I turned to him and saw his pupils shaking, his forehead wrinkling, and his shoulders slumped.

"Hey, you okay?Did i say anything wrong?" I said but didn't receive any reply.He just kept staring at the buildings in front of us.

"Umm Taeyong?" I said, automatically reaching out for his hand which was gripping the side of the hammock we were both sitting on.Surprisingly, he held my hand and gave a little squeeze before getting up.

"You didn't say anything wrong don't worry.Its just I- I suddenly remembered, I have training early in the morning tomorrow, but I really want to see you again.Wait for me infront of the main building tomorrow?"

"I don't kn-"

"Please?" He said kneeling on one knee and looking straight into my eyes with the most adorable face I've ever seen.So without thinking, I blurted out
"Okie" smiling to him with my eyes closed.

"Okay, its a promise!" He said sticking out his pinky finger.We both smiled as I linked mine to his.He got up and left and I was alone once more, but this time, Im smiling, and I finally see a reason why God still keeps me alive, because maybe, I was meant to meet him.Maybe, we're meant to make eachother happy.Maybe, he'll change everything.

"Or maybe I should go back to my dorm and sleep." I said to myself.


As I was on the way to my dorm, I remembered his face smiling at me, and how he held my hand, and WAIT DID I JUST SQUEAL.HYORRI DID YOU JUST SQUEAL?Oh god I just met him what is this feeling??Stop Hyorri, you're thinking about somebody who probably is thinking about something far from you.


Before entering the girl's dorm, I looked up to the sky once again and saw the same star.My mom used to tell me that if a certain star keeps catching your eye, it'll bring you good luck as it represents a certain someone.So from today, this will be my lucky star, because it brought me luck, it led me to the rooftop balcony, it led me back to the guy I first met at the convenience store.It led me to Taeyong.Taeyong who resembles somebody, somebody who I can't seem to remember.

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