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Lee Taeyong ~

I woke up to the sound of a dog howling.Ah, how annoying.I grabbed my clock and realised that I only had thirty minutes before training and I promised to see Hyorri after that.Shit.I need to get the perfect outfit.I mean this is a chance for me to gain another friend apart from all the idiots I'm friends with.
I rushed to the toilet only to find that the dog i was talking about just now, was my junior, Haechan.Screaming his heart out in the toilet.Also yes, I share a room with him.Its probably a punishment for doing NOTHING WRONG.

We were put into this room together and we got quite close but WHY DOES HE HAVE TO FREAKING SING ALL THE TIME I SWEAR.


"I just got in Hyungg~~" i heard him reply overlapping the sound of the water rushing.

"HAECHAN I ONLY HAVE" i looked at the clock again only to see that it was already 7.10 , "20 MINUTES!"

I suddenly heard the water stop and Haechan stepped out of the toilet, still in his pyjamas, not wet at all.He didn't even have a single drop of water on him.

"Haechan what were you even doing in there I'm late because of you." I said glaring at him.

"Hyung, you were the one who woke up late.It's not myy fault I got the toilet first, plus I tried t-"

"Okay, shut up.Im late."

"Late for a date?" He said smirking at me while laying upside down on his bed.

"Yeah, I was suppose to punch you at 7am this morning." I said, tilting my head and giving him a fake smile.


I felt like I was swimming for hours but after training ended, i hurriedly change and ran out to wait infront of the main building.

I waited outside the doors, legs crossed and leaning against the wall.Its perfectly 11 am and I got everything planned already.

After a while, she got out of the main building and as she cornered and passed the wall I was leaning on, I grabbed her wrist and ran pulling her along.

"Wha- TAEYONG WHAT ARE YOU DOINGG!!" She said shocked but laughing at how quickly I spotted her.


Eun Hyorri ~

"STOPP Where are we goinggg???" I asked still laughing for no reason at all.

"Shh just keep quiet its a surprise.You'll like it I promise!" He said still running without letting go of my hand until we reached the college park.

"Okay I want you to close your eyes." He said and so I did.He lead me a bit further in the park and asked me to sit down on a... a.. blanket?

"Now open your eyes!" "Tadaaaa!!!!"
He said arms stretched out beside him with a big goofy smile plastered on his face.

"Whats this?" I asked eventhough I clearly knew.

"Okay well, you seem quite down yesterday and I heard that gymnasts don't get to eat a lot and I don't too so here!I prepared a picnic basket full of food.You can stuff yourself and I promise it will be kept a secret between us two." He said taking a seat opposite me.

I kept quiet processing what he just said.His face was filled with anticipation waiting for my reply, scared I wouldn't like what he planned anddd THATS IT.PERFECT.I'll pull a little prank on him.

"Taeyong.You know Im not supposed to eat alot.Who do YOU think you are to stuff me like this?You know how much trouble i'll get into?Are you an IDIOT????" I said while faking the best mad face I could do.

"Oh i- um sorry.Im really sorry, I just thought it would cheer you up.I guess not, its okay you can go back and practise or something i-"

I burst out laughing and I once I started, I couldn't stop.I wish I could describe the look in his eyes.It was so hilarious.He looked so scared!Ah i feel bad now gosh.


"What" he said looking at me clearly confused.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I started laughing again.He reminds me of a little kid!An adorable one.His eyebrows were furrowed, one of his hand were clasping the side of the blanket while the other kept running through his hair.

"Im joking!!!I love it!I love it toooo much.This is one of the best thing someone has ever done for me.Thank you!" I said and as soon as I did, he grinned widely and stuffed a piece of bread he was holding right into my mouth.

"Im glad now let's eat.I prepared GOOD FOOD!"

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