4 - myths on periods

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MYTH #1: You're supposed to get your period by [insert age here].

There is no "normal" age to get your first period. Seriously. What is normal, is for you and your friends to get your periods at different times. Most girls start menstruating anywhere between 9 and 15 years old, often around the time that other women in their families got theirs. But, if there's no sign of your period by the time you're 15, it's a good idea to check with your doctor.

MYTH #2: If you miss a period, you're pregnant.

Pregnancy is the most common reason for a missed period, but there are other reasons it could go MIA. Stress, illness, and changes in weight or nutrition can all affect your menstrual cycle. Your period probably won't be on an exact cycle, like every 28 days. Plus, missing a period is even more common in the first year after you start menstruating. It can take from six months to a year for your period to become regular after you first get it. And for some people, it might never be regular. Still, if you are sexually active and miss a period, see your doctor for a pregnancy test.

MYTH #3: A tampon can get lost inside of your vagina.

Good news: Nothing can get lost in your vagina. Your vagina ends at your cervix and a tampon can't get beyond that. But if you can't remember if you removed your tampon or not (it happens!), try lying down and reaching into your vagina with clean fingers. The vagina is only about 3 to 4 inches long (though it can stretch to accommodate vaginal intercourse or having a baby), so chances are, if a tampon's in there, you'll be able to feel it. If you feel the tampon but absolutely can't pull it out yourself, your doctor or nurse can help. So, don't freak out, or be afraid to use tampons. (And no, using a tampon does not affect your virginity in any way. You can start using tampons any time you feel comfortable. Period.)

MYTH #4: It's gross to have sex on your period.

As long as you and your partner feel comfortable and use protection, it's totally fine to have sex during your period. You might even notice you want to have sex more while you're on your period and that's totally normal, too. Menstruation causes a fluctuation of hormones and increase blood flow which can actually increase arousal. Many girls find that sexual arousal and having an orgasm helps relieve menstrual cramps. It's entirely about what you feel most comfortable with. Just make sure to still use a condom to protect against STDs as well as unwanted pregnancy.

MYTH #5: Your period stops when you get in the water.

Your period doesn't slow down or stop in water — it just may not flow outside the vagina because of the counter pressure of the water. When you're in the bathtub or the shower your period does not stop and it's no different than being in a swimming pool or the ocean. So, if you're hitting a pool party, grab a tampon or menstrual cup.

MYTH #6: You can't swim in the ocean when you have your period because sharks will attack you.

Where did this crazy myth come from?! If your mum (or nan) told you to stay out of the ocean when you have your period, they were a bit misinformed. Sharks will *not* smell the blood on you and come attack you. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that women are more susceptible to shark attacks, or bear attacks for that matter, while menstruating.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2017 ⏰

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