100K SPECIAL - Part 1 (CLOSED)

6.8K 211 484

The Fantasy profile has reached 100'000 followers!
Thank you all for the support, for spreading the word, for submitting great books, reading our guides and participating in our contests!

To give you, dear readers, something back we decided to let YOU decide the next Fantasy prompt. YOU set the rules for the contest and YOU choose the topic. Later YOU will be the judge and vote for the best books written for the 100K Special Contest. But let's not jump to the end and instead start at the beginning.

If you have a proposition for a contest beginning in March 2017, write the following in the comment section below:

1. Choose a topic
2. Explain the prompt
3. Duration of the contest: a month, two months, longer?

The detailed, the better!

How to VOTE for your favorite

Click 'reply' and write 'vote' below the idea you think is the best one in the comment section until 20th of February.

Attention! Only one vote per person for a proposition, the creator of the idea is not allowed to vote for his own idea. Stay fair and support each other.

Last but not least we wish you happy brainstorming and we are excited to see what you came up with!

Contests and Writing PromptsWhere stories live. Discover now