100K SPECIAL Part 2- Contest 2017 [CLOSED]

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With joy and pride we followed your actions in the comment section. At this point we want to take a moment and say thank you to each and everyone of you. You have created splendid ideas for new prompts and you stayed fair. We are glad to have such a positive and supporting community!

Now to the exciting part, the people have voted and the new prompt for the 100K Fantasy Special is going to be:

Book Jumper, suggested by @ChickPi


The main character of the story finds (in any way) a book, which is blank inside and out; no title, no author, no words, no explanation - at least, not until it is opened.
When opened, the main character is transported into that book, where he/she accidentally kills a main character of the book (This could either be the main protagonist, antagonist or supporting character).
The rest of the book, the main character plays the part of the story meant for the character he/she killed accidentally. At first it was to get back into his/her real world, but as time wears on, they grow the desire to stay in this new world.
What world? Any! Any famous book you wish, or even a Wattpad book (Please do ask permission of the author if the book you choose is here on Wattpad). Furthermore, this book doesn't have to exist, but your character has to know the book as he/she takes a place of one of the characters he/she killed.

Participation rules

Start date: 22nd of February
Deadline: 22nd of June
Language: English
Additional note: We have seen the desire to open the contest to all countries. Here in this contest book, you can participate in contests from every country, as long as you write in English.
Tag Search: Use the tag #fantasy100K
Word count: 6000 words - unlimited
*Story doesn't have to be completed.

As it still is the Fantasy profile, please do not choose a real person as your main character.

Most asked questions

"Is it Fanfiction now?"
In a way, yes. If you take a book which already exists, it is some sort of fanfiction.

"Does the story in which the main character is transported have to exist?"
No. But it must be clear that your character knows the book, otherwise he/she couldn't take the place of the character he/she accidentally killed.

"Can the book in which the character jumps include for example One Direction?"
No, this is real person fanfiction.

"Can I choose one of the books I have written?"
Yes, absolutely.

"Does my story need to have the title "book jumper?"
No, you can choose another title.

"Does it have to be from a book or can I choose a movie / tv-series?"
A book please.

Personal note of the Fantasy Team:
Although we do regular contests on this profile, the main purpose is to get people inspired to write something they haven't thought of before. If you have participated in other contests, please do continue writing chapters. We do select our favorite books for the contests, but that doesn't mean that these are the only good stories. We are readers as well and wait patiently for updates, as your other readers do. Believe in yourself!

We wish you a joyful writing experience!

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