Into the Shadows: Yuri's Story

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20 years before "A Minecraft Story"...

Yuri's Point of View (Karimkilzar)

Yuri was ten years old. He lived in a small village in Sector 3. There was a small group of children in that village, and they were all friends with each other.

Except for Yuri.

The kids didn't like Yuri. They thought he was strange. Yuri didn't care, though. He didn't like them either. He thought he was better than them.

One night, the children were outside playing a game to see who could go farthest in the darkness without being seen by a monster.

Yuri watched them from a distance, chuckling at their stupidity. Everyone knew monsters were extremely dangerous. He ran a hand through his full head of brown hair, and adjusted his brown trench-coat.

"Hey Yuri! If you're so much better than us, why don't you try this?!" one of the kids called to Yuri.

Yuri smirked. "I do not waste my time with such silly games."

"Yuri's a coward!" another of the kids yelled.

"A coward!" the kids shrieked in laughter, repeating that over and over again.

Yuri clenched his fists. He would not be called a coward by those that were beneath him.

He walked over to the children, and quietly gulped at the looming darkness before him. They were at the very edge of the village. The light disappeared just a few blocks away. Yuri could hear the groans of Zombies and the clatters of Skeletons beyond the shadows.

"Well? Go ahead," one of the girls smirked.

"Unless you're too much of a coward!" the boy who challenged Yuri laughed.

"I am not a coward," Yuri growled.

He walked into the shadows.

At first, he wasn't afraid.

But then, Yuri heard the sounds of monsters all around him. Spiders hissed. Skeletons clattered. Zombies growled.

Then there was the worst sound of them all. The chatter of Endermen.

Yuri almost turned around, but he knew he hadn't gone far enough to beat the other children yet. He had to show them he wasn't a coward.

Suddenly, he heard a strange popping noise. Purple particles swirled around him.

Two pale purple eyes stared into Yuri's soul.

Yuri started to scream, but the monster rushed up to him and silenced him. Yuri shut his eyes tightly, and he felt himself being picked up.


Then he felt like all his molecules were being torn apart for a split second, and he was no longer in darkness.

He was in a cave, lit solely with torches. It was a small cave, but looked cozy.

Except for the fact that there were at least five Endermen milling around the cave.

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